6 String Archaeological Dig

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I've started the 6 String Archaeological Dig. I wanted to do a little clean up prior to working to dissemble the find. More or less to see if mineral spirits was going to work. I was pretty sure they would but with the pick guard in the shape it was in I didn't want to waste too much time if the job called for breaking out the Dremel. To rehash from the beginnings. . .

It's not as bad as it looked in the first photos. All the bad spots are poor paint jobs, the pick guard was white along with the pickups and the PO did a poor job of painting them. This appears to be a good $40.00 buy. He said he almost got it for $25 but some "old" guy bumped the bid up and he got it for $40. It doen't sound bad either. I think he did pretty good on his first one at 15 years old. Kim is even starting to think maybe we knew what we were talking about.






And today . . .

Hey, look at that Jack. . . the pickups are really white :Y2:

It is an Aria STG Series

The clone next to a Fender

Kyle was pleased with the sound of the Aria. Other than having old strings and a little out of tune he was glad to hear the muddy tone of the new acquisition. After sending the signal thru a couple of the effects boxes he was real pleased with how muddy he could get it. As of right now he is looking to keep this one instead of flipping it as first planned. Why does that not surprise me? Oh well, I guess he comes by it honestly since there are seven bikes in the garage and I can't seem to let any of them go.

I'll up date the progress as we move along with it. This is going to be a slow process since he hasn't decided which way to go with it.
Ha so it is an Aria very cool to hear.......yes, I too suffer your affliction Hemi, and my most recent "flip" only partly went through, the Peavey amp is back on the auction block, but the Peavey Patriot 6 string (with custom hard case) is just toooo darn good sounding to let go just yet. And it is as clean as the Telecaster I bought last year--but the Peavey is 28 years old!

The Aria STG series is rather nice. He can feel good about the purchase, new ones go on Flea bay for 250.00 He got a rather darn good deal on that one, a little clean up, maybe a re-finish, and BAM she appreciates in value for very little outlay. A real diamond in the rough for sure.
The pickups are original, we just finished adjusting the new pickup covers but haven't got them on yet.

The pick guard was purchased Saturday at Guitar Center. We had gone down the Fuller's Vintage Guitars but couldn't find a pick guard he wanted so we stopped at GC on the way home.

We found several projects at Fuller's, mostly Strats but a couple Les Paul's also. Each was in pretty rough shape, no electrics or hardware but showed some promise. After seeing those Kyle has decided to sale the Aria and take on a bigger project, he is really enjoying the restoration work.

All we have to do with the Aria is to finish removing the little remaining paint, trim the pick guard, install the pickup covers, and put it all back together.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
I've got it all put back together now, just waiting to be restrung. Kyle was to get the strings back on it tonight but hadn't done so before I headed to work. Hopefully I'll have some photos tomorrow and if he will maybe even a sound byte from it.
I've got it all put back together now, just waiting to be restrung. Kyle was to get the strings back on it tonight but hadn't done so before I headed to work. Hopefully I'll have some photos tomorrow and if he will maybe even a sound byte from it.

In simple terms how do you do a 'sound byte" and post to TT?
I have an idea for a new thread that would require such.
I was thinking iPhone voice memos?
When I use voice memos and play back it sounds very reasonable.
I can put my iPhone photos onto my PC so I hope I can do the same with voice memos.
Next step is voice memos from PC to YouTube, then linked to TT.

How does that sound?
Voice memos didn't work out, couldn't figure out how to get it from phone to PC.
Tried iPhone video camera and all's good.
I can now put voice from phone (iPhone vid camera) to PC then to YouTube and a link to TT.

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