Good Afternoon All, I have a new 2015 Triumph Explorer XC with about 3K miles on it now, two weeks ago I was riding and my left foot had oil on it. I looked under the bike and it was covered in oil. I took Ii into my local Triumph dealer and they said the crankcase has a plug in it from the factory that was leaking so they said they were going to seal it. wow 3 tries later ,tearing the bike down they said it was fixed. I was a bit shocked at it be sealed up they said this plug would never need to be accessed, it must be there for a reason. Got the bike back Thursday and today I went for a 200 mile ride, guess what there fix with Rectorseal5 is not working, she leaks again. Any thoughts on this leak, now it has to go back once again, I think the case should be replaced by Triumph. I would appreciate any thoughts headed my way. Thanks Gary,Jacksonville,Fl