Fun Day Tomorrow On My Bobber

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Ok! So, when are you and your doctor going to go for a ride together? :y45:
You know, I never really ask him and I should have too. It's always nice to have a doctor with you on a ride. He has a really nice motorcycle too, with all the goodies on it. Plus he's a nice guy to. You're right Triumph Dave. Fifty five miles an hour, is a great speed to cruse at. That way, you can really take in all the scenery and it's just an all around good speed to cruse at, I fill.
Unless, If I'm on the freeway, then it's sixty five miles an hour for me. I really don't fill the need to go any faster, than that. Unless, if I'm trying to pass somebody. To get into another lane or something like that. I've also noticed, that I get a lot of looks from the HD folks, and it's all in a good way too, everybody has been really cool. Plus, we're all just out to ride and to have fun anyway. So, it's really great to see a lot of riders getting back on the road. After this winter, along with all the rain that we've been getting { even though we need it here, in Northern California } otherwise, the weather has been perfect. Somewhere, in the upper 70s and between somewhere in the middle fifties.
I've finally have my Bobber broken in now. When I first got it I loved it. Now That it's broken in. Man does it get up and go. I'm glad I took my time breaking it in also. I got on it out yesterday and went for a ride. But before I did, I always check my oil , radiator fluid and so on. I topped it off with my dot 4 brake fluid and my triumph radiator fluid. When I took it in for it's 500 mile check up. They didn't put enough brake fluid or radiator fluid in it and I thought it should be between the lines and it wasn't. It was just a little above the bottom line, not in the middle of both lines, like it should be. So I topped it off, like the owners manual said and made sure that it was were it is supposed to be. Where my owners manual, says it's supposed to be at. In the middle of the two lines. I used a big syringe that I use for my brake fluid and another one for my radiator fluid. After all of that, I put everything back together and went for a two hour ride. It was such a nice ride yesterday, that I just couldn't resist. Man talk about power,. My Bobber can defiantly get out of it's own way and fast too. I had this HD guy, that saw me and caught up with me and ask me a few questions about the bike and how many ccs it was? I told him it was 1200 ccs. He couldn't believe it. He really liked it a lot too and even said so. Which made me fill really good. I find that shifting is really nice and quick too. When I was breaking it in, I'd stop at a light and when the light turned green everybody would pass me up. But, I didn't care, because I was breaking it in and I wanted it to be broken in nice and tight. Now that it's broken in. I leave people in the dust and I don't even intend to. Now when I take off from a stop light? I'm not even speed shifting either or even trying to go fast. But, man that bike really likes to move and it does too, very well. I really like this motorcycle a lot.
Isn't it disgusting that a service tech can't even top up the fluids correctly FACE
Good that you checked them. Chalk it up to getting to know your bike. Now that things are correct they should need very little attention - but check once in a while.
Now the real fun begins so let 'er rip. Now that you're happy it's broken in there's a lot more power in there that you didn't realize BGRIN
These engines are over engineered so play tunes with the throttle, be safe and have miles of smiles TUP TUP
I'm going for another little adventure today. I'm going for a ride in the lower foothills of Northern California. Where I'm going to crack that throttle a little more and open her up some more. I usually like to cruise at 55 miles an hour. But, lately, I've noticed that my baby girl, likes to cruise at between 60 and 65 miles an hour. If I don't watch myself though, I'll be cruising at 70 miles an hour, a little to easily. So today, I'll play around with the throttle, to get a fill, of what's the most comfortable, safe speed for me to travel at. Plus, that's also enjoyable and to get to also get to know my bike, even better. Also My bike needs a bath today and I've got some Armor-all car wash and wax. Then I'll wipe her down, then I'll wax her up again with just some Armor-all wax. Let her set in the garage and dry, then wipe her down again. Then I'll clean all my engine and tranny with some Blue Magic. Which works very good for cleaning your metal. I love my bike.
There were so many motorcycles on the road yesterday, it was great to see everybody riding and having fun. Including myself. After I got up in the foothills. There was nobody was on the road. Because, they were down riding around on highway 99, which I hate riding on myself. It's a horrible highway, with a lot of big potholes, that you constantly have to dodge and I'm talking some big potholes too, from simi-trucks constantly using highway 99. Anyway, I was far away from all of that and by myself. So, I cracked that throttle and man did that bike really move. Rocky you are 100% right. My Bobber can really move and fast too. Also, talk about handling. This baby can handle curves, like there's no tomorrow. I love my Bobber and I just can't say it enough great things about her. When somebody ask me why I didn't get an HD. I just say why? I've owned HDs in the past and the only HDs that I've ever found really reliable, were the old Flatheads. Once you swap out the six volt electric system, to a twelve volt electric system. But, that just IMO too. I might go for a small ride today, if I feel up to it and the weather holds up. I'm still healing from that surgery and I don't want to over do it either.
Last Saturday was a great day. I got my Bobber out, checked out all the fluid levels and greased up the chain, and I took off for Guerneville, in California. It was really a nice 5 hour ride, round trip. Riding up in the hills off 120 and 108 was great. I saw a lot of HD folks and they loved my Bobber. A lot of people came over to check her out. I answered as many questions as I could. Every place that I stopped, people would come over and check out my Bobber and take pictures of my her. Everybody would tell me what a nice looking that bike she was, and they really loved with water cooled engine too. I really need to give her a bath after that ride, though. But I just can't get over that, I've only got 5000 miles on her, and her runs so nice, and boy does she love those hills too. I really love my bike and everything about her also. I even love even the spooked rims too. One last thing, after a five hour ride, my back didn't bother me one bit. and I've got a really messed up back too. That's one of the main reasons, that I bought her. Because she was just so comfortable to ride and easy on my back.
Your ride report made me smile in a knowing way. That's what it's all about TUP TUP
That was a good test for your body and now you know what to expect on a longer ride.
The bobber? It will go on almost forever. Enjoy!
I'm so glad I bought my Bobber over that Indian Scout Bobber. My Triumph Bobber handles so well and it's so much fun to ride. When it was time to go to bed that night, I slept like a rock also. But the best part of the whole trip was, that my back didn't hurt me at all. I really like how they did that solo seat and the mono shock. It really makes for some nice easy riding. I'm feeling really good about going to Yellowstone now. Going between 55 miles and 65 miles an hour is so nice too. Just enjoying everything around me, while riding. Is so nice and almost surreal in a way. I'll bring my camera next time and take some more pictures, to share with everybody. Man, I really do love my Bobber. I wouldn't take anything for her. I really love that bike, that much too.
It's so much fun. Especially right now. Because it's so nice and green and the water is flowing really nicely in the streams also. I think I'm going to Yosemite, next weekend and see if it's looking better than it was, last year.
I went for a ride yesterday and I was at a light and there was a nice HD beside me. The lights turned green and he left me in the dust. So I caught up with him again and the lights turned green again. But this time, without pushing it either, I left him in the dust. It surprised the crap right out of him. Put a big smile on my face also. He gave me a big thumbs up and was a real nice guy. Once these Triumphs are broken in, they are one fast motorcycle. The rest of the ride was great also. Plus all the nice people that I'm meeting also. I'm thinking about starting up a Triumph Riders Club here in the lower Northern California Foothills. To go out on rides together and camping out. If this is something, that some of you fine folks that live in Northern CA. might like to get involved in? Please let me know and I can start working on it.

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