Fun Day Tomorrow On My Bobber

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Lots of fun yesterday. Nice weather, I finally found the home that I'm going to buy. It needs a new roof on it, but since I'm paying cash. That gives me a lot more bargaining power also. But, the house is awesome. The closest neighbor is a hundred feet away. No grass to mow, City water, a new septic tank, new upgraded plumbing, with copper pipes through out, the house. With lots of pine trees, a garage, a river that runs all year around. That's maintained by the county. Because it's a major walking trail also. For people to walk with their friends, pets and so on. I'm getting it for a great price here in California too. I'm selling my other house, in Turlock California and buying this one in Sonora. Anyway I have some pictures that I need to download and show my new house off.
Now about my ride. I rode up 120 to 108 then into Sonora. It was kind of windy, but the weather was still nice though. Hardly any traffic on 108 and I just put 7,000 miles on my bike. I had new break, pads changed. Because, I had my big ole foot riding the back brake some and didn't realize it. My Triumph dealer said : to mainly use my front brakes for slowing down and then both brakes together for a complete stop. Instead of just using my rear brakes, more than my front brakes for all my stopping. It cost me a 100.00 bucks for the service. I would have done it myself. But, I don't own any metric tools right now. Which I will take care of around Christmas time, from Lowes. Now that they sell Craftsman tools. I'm also building a good relationship with my Triumph dealer to. Just by going in and saying hi and having them do some small things, that I can't do. Because, I don't have any metric tools yet. That's how I discovered, that I needed those brake pads. I was very lucky also, thanks the good lord. Because, I didn't have, but about forty miles left on those pads. Then it would have been metal to metal. So, I learned something, that I should have known. But I had forgotten about. But, that's still no excuse either. I should have paid more attention to my owners manual. So, I reread it again last night. I just didn't realize how important that front brake is. But now I do. So, I'm braking correctly now.
A funny little thing happened on my way back home yesterday. I was cruising along, at 55 miles per hour when this guy, hauling butt down the road on his HD. Passed me up like nothing. Only because, I was going 55 miles an hour and he was going over 80 miles an hour, down the road. So, I caught up with him at the next light and blew him out of the water, as soon as the light turned green. He was so shocked, that he never even tried to catch up with me. So, instead of being cool and the both of us riding together. He had to be a show off and I bought into that nonsense. But, I have to be honest though. It felt pretty darn good to shut him down. Because, of that I'm a hardcore biker attitude that some folks get. But, it's silly to be a motorcycle snob. Just because, you riding another brand of motorcycle and don't want to be seen with anybody, without the same brand as they have. Hell, I'll ride with anybody. Just as long, as they ride safely and don't take dumb unsafe chances. I don't care what kind of bike they have either. I just enjoy riding, not branding or being a brand snob.
One day them 1200's will be classics and Worth the same or more than what New Bikes cost in the Future. No Question.
I sure like mine a lot. Anyway, I'm going for a ride to the Bay Area on Sunday. To see an old friend. I've got to be really careful down there too and pay extra attention to the people in their cars. Especially those Ev's with auto-pilot turned on, with the driver taking a catnaps at the wheel. Which, really disturbs me a lot. Because, of the accidents that have happened, with those auto-pilot's engaged while the driver's taking a catnap. Besides that, they have their music cranked up real loud and are in their own world. Oblivious, to what's going on, around them. The Bay Area has more of those self driving EV's on the road, than anywhere else. If I didn't have to go down there, I wouldn't. But, in the end, I'll just be glad to get out of there and get back home.
Just catching up with your posts.
Congrats on the new house. Sounds just right TUP

I laughed at you blowing off the Harley ROTFL

I told you it was easy. The bobber has plenty of beans to dust most any cruiser.

Take it easy. This sort of stuff can get addictive ROTFL
I sure like mine a lot. Anyway, I'm going for a ride to the Bay Area on Sunday. To see an old friend. I've got to be really careful down there too and pay extra attention to the people in their cars. Especially those Ev's with auto-pilot turned on, with the driver taking a catnaps at the wheel. Which, really disturbs me a lot. Because, of the accidents that have happened, with those auto-pilot's engaged while the driver's taking a catnap. Besides that, they have their music cranked up real loud and are in their own world. Oblivious, to what's going on, around them. The Bay Area has more of those self driving EV's on the road, than anywhere else. If I didn't have to go down there, I wouldn't. But, in the end, I'll just be glad to get out of there and get back home.
We end up as speed humps
Majority rules, if u let them!
Tomorrow, I'm getting up very early and heading into as I like to say: The Shady Side of Hell and then go out to breakfast, and then play bass, with some other musician friends of mine. Now this is how I move my bass, around on my bike, without damaging it.. I play a short scale 30 inch Fender Mustang Bass these days. Because, of the weight and I love the playability along with the tone, that I get from that bass. I put it into it's hard shell case and put the hard shell case into a 34 inch full scale really nice bass gig bag. That I have and then put it on my back, like a backpack and head out. That way there's no damage to the bass from the wind. By drying out my neck and there's usually a bass amp there, that I can use. So, that way, I don't have to take my car and I can save money on gas. Plus, I can get the hell out of there, when I'm done playing. I love playing the blues too.
I made it back from the Bay Area yesterday in one piece. But, It was really windy on Hwy 5 and going down on Hwy 238. also. I got a couple of gust of wind that almost put me into the other lane, they were that strong of a gust. I was keeping my speed down to 55 to 60 and the speed limit was 70. But, even at 70 the wind was so strong, that it almost ripped of my face shield off. Once, I got into Livermore, the winds succeeded. Then, I was able to not worry about that wind situation again, until I came home. All this, with a short scale bass strapped on my back too. As I went down there for the ride and to jam with my good friends. It was a blast too, except for those darn heavy winds, coming and going. Man, I thought that my bike was fun before? But, now that I have 7,000 miles on her. She loves to get up and move and likes to cruise at 70 miles an hour on Hwy 5. I mean, it's like her comfort zone, that she likes to stay in. I try and keep her at 60 to 65 miles an hour and let people move on around me. But, if I don't watch it, she'll snick back up to 70 and stay there. It's kind of weird, it's like my bike has her own personality and we're really kind of bonded now. That's the only way to describe it. Either that, or I'm going nuts. No, I'm just really enjoying my Triumph alot and now, I know why Steve McQueen loved them so much too.
I made it back from the Bay Area yesterday in one piece. But, It was really windy on Hwy 5 and going down on Hwy 238. also. I got a couple of gust of wind that almost put me into the other lane, they were that strong of a gust. I was keeping my speed down to 55 to 60 and the speed limit was 70. But, even at 70 the wind was so strong, that it almost ripped of my face shield off. Once, I got into Livermore, the winds succeeded. Then, I was able to not worry about that wind situation again, until I came home. All this, with a short scale bass strapped on my back too. As I went down there for the ride and to jam with my good friends. It was a blast too, except for those darn heavy winds, coming and going. Man, I thought that my bike was fun before? But, now that I have 7,000 miles on her. She loves to get up and move and likes to cruise at 70 miles an hour on Hwy 5. I mean, it's like her comfort zone, that she likes to stay in. I try and keep her at 60 to 65 miles an hour and let people move on around me. But, if I don't watch it, she'll snick back up to 70 and stay there. It's kind of weird, it's like my bike has her own personality and we're really kind of bonded now. That's the only way to describe it. Either that, or I'm going nuts. No, I'm just really enjoying my Triumph alot and now, I know why Steve McQueen loved them so much too.
You have a good stallion, she likes U
Well, I'm getting ready to make that Sonora run again, up Hwy 108 tomorrow. To fill out some more real estate paperwork, for that house that I'm wanting to buy. I got my my baby filled up proper, with the right tire pressure and drive chain properly lubed. I'm going to wear my full on leathers tomorrow, because it's starting to get a little cool in the early afternoon these days and in the mornings. So, I'll wear my new warm winter gloves, with gauntlets. That I haven't worn once, since I bought them. So, tomorrow will be a good excuse, for me to use them. I share so more stuff, when I get back. I haven't had a chance to take any picture to share yet. Because, of taking care of my 87 year old mom, who's not in the best of health. I don't like to leave her for very long. Taking pictures takes some time. To seek out and to find those really interesting things, that you want to take pictures of. I'll take some of my new house though and share those. But, I'm going to need some help transferring them, from my Canon A590 camera. I don't own a smartphone and I don't see myself, getting one in the future either. I've got a flip dumb phone that I'm happy with and a Mini Mac at home. So, I'm good on the technology seen. I stay far away from social media, like Facebook, Tweeter and so on. Unless, I'm trying to promote a band that I'm in. Otherwise, I stay clear of those things. This is different, to me anyway.
I went on a nice six hour ride yesterday and I had a blast. I didn't have to wear my leathers either, just my vest, gloves and helmet, along with my waist pack with some lunch, lots of water and Gatorade packed in it. I haven't put my new tires on yet? I still have a thousand miles left on these Avon Cobras. Man, I don't like those Cobras at all. You can fill everything in the road and they don't track very well either. I'm glad that I got those new tires, even if they only last 10,000 miles. They were cheap enough and I'll buy some Commander III's next year. Along with some other goodies. I had to pull over a few times to get fuel. At my last fill up, I almost got into a fist fight with some 20 year old punk kid. About me peeing outside behind the gas station, because there bathrooms were broken and I really had to go very badly. I told him, that I made sure that nobody could see me. As I'm walking away and he starts trying to read me the right act again. About how uncool that was. I told the kid, I had to go very badly, plus I made sure that nobody could see anything. Then he pops off again, about the same thing. That's when I told him to F#@% off and to mind his own business. But, he still had to popped off again! That's when I stopped, turned around and walked back up to him. Face to face, then looked him dead in the eyes and told him to please open his pie hole again, because I needed a place to rest my fist. He knew then, that I meant business and he was about to learn a valuable lesson in life about minding his own business. I hate getting into those kind of nonsense situations with people. I was just going to just warn him at first. But, an old roommate of mine, who was a Hells Angel. Told me that you never threaten or warn anybody. Just act and get the job done. That way, they're not ready for what's about to happen. He said why give them a warning, just strike. That way they're not expecting it. Besides, I'm a peaceful person. I'm easy to get along with and I really try hard, to respect everybody else's boundaries. I always try to find a peaceful way out of trouble, if I can. Plus, I'm getting up there in age. I'm tall 6ft4 and I weight around 180 lbs. With a very bad back. But, I also carry protection, just in case I need it and I can get pretty damn mean, if I really get mad. Because of what I had to go through, near the end of that little conflict overseas in Viet Nam. Plus, that whole damn thing was just plain silly and should not have happened. But, I didn't let that little incident ruin my day either. After we had that come to Jesus meeting. I just got back on my bike, took off and enjoyed the rest of the day. It was a great day too, of riding. Just enjoying the day, along with a great lunch and great weather too. Not too hot either. All in all though, Saturday was a great day.
I went out for a short ride yesterday, the weather was really nice and my bike ran great as usual. I'm in kind of in a delima right now. I've already bought and paid for those Shinko tires, but I have not mounted them yet. Because, I've still got some mile on those cobras. Plus, eBay is trying to sell me a set of Michelin Commander IIs right now for 287.00 bucks. which is a great price. Their in my size also, with free shipping and wanting to give 6 months with no interest. I can have them paid off with in, three months. So I'm just wondering what you folks think?
I was stuck with that dilemma once. I had purchased a set of tires, but before I had them mounted I spotted another set at an excellent price that I wanted more.
I bought the tires I really wanted and sold the other set for just a bit less than I paid for them just to get them sold.

That might work for you too.
I had the best ride on early Wednesday morning before the sun came up. I rode up HWY 132 to lake road and took the back way into Turlock. I hit this one conner that was awesome. My Bobber is so nimble, that I just laid her as close as I could to the side, then I just pulled her back up and cracked that throttle and started shifting, hitting those wide conners until I got to Hickman. Then, I watched the sun come up. Got back on the road. Then made a right on into Turlock. Got gas and split again. Those Perili MT 66's are great tires and do they hold the road. I'm differently buying some more of those tires, when these wear out. I highly recommend these tires. The Michilins might last 25,000 miles. But these tires really hold the road like they should and they're cheaper two. They track real nicely on the freeway too and ride real nicely. I've found my tire, for me. Until they quit making them. Then I'll find another tire that I like just as well. Which will probably be a Perili too. I really those MT66s a lot. They hold the road very nicely. I don't care much for those Night Dragons though. They just don't last that long, from what I've read and I don't care much for that tread pattern either. I really like the tread patterns on those MT 66's a lot and they really hold the road once you break them in, witch is about fifty miles. The way those tire hold the road, I'm sold on them. I should get around 15,000 miles out of them, as long as I don't do dumb stuff and ride safely. I just don't care for those Avon Cobras at all. They hold the road nicely, but they don't track very well IMO. Ride them on the freeway for an hour and you notice it, all through your body. I'm staying with my MT66's.
My buddy Eric, just bought his new 2020 speed triple, with the 1050 cc engine and his wife bought the 900 cc turbo Cam-Am Riker. Eric and I went for a nice long ride yesterday, as he was breaking in his new bike. It was really cold too. I was warm, because I was wearing my German made leathers, made by Hein Gericke. My leather jacket zips up in the back, to my leather pants. Then, it becomes like a body suite. Plus, I wearing my fleece snow pants and fleece snow top under my leathers, along with my cold weather gloves with gauntlets, that are also waterproof. The only thing I didn't wear, that I wish I would have. Was my beanie under my helmet. I wasn't, really as cold, as Eric was. He wasn't wearing leathers. He was wearing a riding gore-tex jacket and pants. I was telling him that I don't think your going to be warm enough, with just that. He told me, that he would be quite warm. Because, his gore tex gear, had a liner that zipped into the jacket and pants and was wearing some nice gore tex gloves. I knew that he was going to freeze his butt off. But I didn't say a word. Because, I learned along time ago. That you can't tell anybody anything. They have to find out the hard way, for their selvies. So I said, cool. But, I knew he was going to freeze his but off and he did. When we got to our distention. I pulled into this bar to use the bathroom and to get some water. Because I don't drink booze or soda pop at all. Because of my liver. The main reason that I pulled into the bar though, was that I knew that he was probably freezing his butt off. Which he was and he was really glad that we stopped. I knew, that he had to be really cold too. I ask him after fifteen minutes, if he was ready to hit the road again and he said that he needed to warm up some more. Then he asked me if I was as cold, as he was? I said no, that was pretty warm in my leathers with the fleece pants and fleece pull over top underneath my leathers. Along with my long johns on. After that, he said that he was going to look into buying some leathers and some thermal under garments. Which I agreed with him on. So that way, he would learn a good lesson, on his own. Without me opening my mouth.
Now comes the good part. As soon as we walked into the bar and took off our helmets. I had two women offer to buy me and Eric a drink. But, Eric is married and was really cool about saying thank you, but no thank you. Because he's married and we just stopped in to use the bathroom and warm up a bit. But me, I just said that I can't drink, because of my liver. But I would really enjoy a glass of water though. I ended up with two good looking women. Anyway, Cricket and I had a great Sunday. Even though, it was cold as hell at sixty five miles an hour heading home in the wee early hours of morning, when it's still dark outside. But, I was dressed for it and we had a great time. Eric had a really had a good time to, just breaking in his new 2020 speed triple with that 1050 cc engine. I told him, that once he got that bike broken in, not to leave me in the dust. That his new 2020 speed triple, is as fast as lighting. Mine is fast also, but his is much faster than Cricket is. That Speed Triple also has more torque than Cricket does. But, I really love Cricket, she's an awesome little philly and she's my mine too. Anyway, that's how I spent my Sunday.
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