I bought a 2018 Bobber that I couldn't be happier with. I love my Bobber and I've got a little over five thousand miles on it now and it has not given me any trouble at all. I bought it last year and I couldn't be happier with mine. Just check your oil, tire pressure and coolant levels before you go for a ride. But that's always a given. But I ride my bike every chance that I can. I washed it last weekend and man, did it need it too. But, I to was at first hesitant to buy another Triumph, after a bad experience with a 1968 Triumph, that I bought back in 1974. I was originally going to buy an Indian Bobber. But, when I went into test drive the Indian Scout Bobber, the dealer also sold Triumph too. So I test rode both bikes and I have a really bad back also. But the Triumph won out hands down. After riding it. My back didn't bother me one bit. The Indian, like the HDs were not so good on my back. But, the Triumph was telling me that she wanted me, to take her home, with me. So, I did some research on the new Triumphs and found out that they are a very well rated and reliable motorcycle. Mine has not given me any problems at all. It doesn't even leak oil, like the old Triumphs did. It is one well built motorcycle now days. I wouldn't take anything for mine. As a matter of fact when my motor needs to be rebuilt. I like this motorcycle so much, that I'll have the engine rebuilt. But all in all. If you buy one? Your going to be really happy with it. I know that I am very happy, with my 1200cc Bobber. As a matter of fact, I was out riding last weekend, when I saw this bike coming up behind me and sure enough. It was a Bobber Black set up with some really nice saddle bags on it, along with a small wind screen too. The guys name was Lee and he really liked his Triumph, as much as I love mine. He had just gotten it and was out for his break in ride. You could tell by how clean it was and how new the bags were. The Triumphs may not be as fast as an Indian Scout Bobber is or an HD is off the line. But, they can hold their own too. Plus, their very nimble also and can get around traffic without a problem. This bike is just pure fun and the build quality is very good also, from my short experience with it so far. I've owned HDs and even an old 1948 Chef in the past. Out of both of those bikes, I prefer the flathead Indians over the HDs. Except for the 1938 ULH Flathead 80 that I had and the Flathead HD 45 trike that I had, that even had reverse in it. I just wish I would have had some WR racing cams for it. It was a fun little bar bike. But, I fill that you can't go wrong, with the new Triumphs. They are built very solid and are very reliable too. If you do decide to buy a Triumph, I think you're going to be quit happy with it. Just IMO.