Blowing fuses & Oil weep

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TrophyMan 2

Well went for the 08 EFi Bonnie and overall very happy and have covered just over 1k so far and couple of issues have appeared and I'm wondering are they common and if so couldn't find them on the search option.

1. Rocker cover weeps oil on left hand side, bolts are torqued correctly and new gasket installed.

2. About 4 weeks ago a 10amp fuse blew for the ignition, thought it was one of those things, however today I just about got home but it took 4 fuses. I'll be checking all connectors, but could it be a reg/rec issue I felt it each time and it wasn't hot or anything.

Any comments appreciated.
Took saddle, tank off and headlight and checked all block connectors and all fine nice greased up. Checking around head stock could see no issue with wire harness in chaffing etc. I didn't cut into the harness cover/tape unless I saw any wearing which I did not. The ignition switch I took apart and connection all seem in good condition so all I did was to clean them up. So put it all back together started up fine so went out on a run first 10 mile fine then 10amp fuse blew again this was on/at a constant throttle at about 70mph. Pulled over changed fuse and had to do this another x3 times in 10yds/30feet, so stuck a 20amp in to get me home this is when everything seems to have gone haywire.

Got off the A3 (main raod nr me in UK) the engine management light and low fuel light kept coming on together and the engine was cutting out and/or hunting; it was like a switch the lights went out then fine for a few yards then back on again. Anyway struggled home and have rechecked all connections nothing loose or signs of shorting, fuses now correct but management light staying on. So it's gone from a blowing fuse to a unrideable bike currently; any pointers/advice would be appreciated at this point.

I'm going to speak to a dealer tomorrow and see what they think problem will be getting bike there. I've looked into a Reg/Rec and forum mentions good aftermarket part and MOSFET seems to be mentioned a lot so will be looking at getting one of these a Triumph parts I'm quoted £200 +vat (shock horror and what a rip off as forums don;t seem to find them any good).

On the oil weep I fitted additional washers under the cam cover bolts so we will see, will re-check torque again. I know you guys mentioned 10nm, Haynes manual mentions 14nm?

That certainly is an annoying electrical problem and I have no answers or suggestions.
I don't understand the rocker weep unless the gasket isn't seated properly. The way the gasket is designed and fitted almost assures no leaks.
Years ago I replaced the rocker box on my '06 to one that is chromed (I like bling) and being cheap, I reused the factory gasket with not a drop from it since.
You have to be careful and not use too much torque on those small fittings on the rocker.
Those electrical problems are always a bitch, i can't help except to say to check the ground (earth) connections real close. From the what its department, i have experienced about the same problem with a bad ign. switch on a BMW, a Tri. and a Chevy van, checked them with a meter and test light, but still had to by-pass the switch to isolate the problem, those electrons are something to deal with!
For info the fuse in question is the 10amp ignition one second one in from the right to left front row. After checking the harness first time I reconnected all back up and started it up and did move/squeeze the harness and no apparent problem and as I said first 10 miles of the run was fine. I'm just about to get out into garage now and strip back down and recheck again before I pop to a dealer to ask some questions. Thanks for all the response so far will keep you updated.
Fuse continued/update:- Well have stripped half of the harness so far and no issues detected. Have put cable ties on wiring that spurs out to other components so as when I re-tape up I'll have an idea; will do the spurs off first then main one last. I've run the engine on couple occasions as I've moved on and squeezed/moved the wiring around but so far no problem. This weekend I'm going for continuity testing and see if this throws anything up. I think I'll replace the reg/rec as precautionary I'm getting one from M&P which has MOSFET technology at £83 rather than the Triumph one at £240; will be fitted after all back together and test run done.

Cheers for now
I'm moving the harness and blocks around when checking continuity. As mentioned halfway through; I'm stripping back in parts 4-6" a time as when it comes to re-wrapping that will be a pig I think. I'm just entering the section at the end of the tank and saddle meet and it goes into the air box area so just deciding if to take air box out for ease which will be the case I think. It's just one of those jobs that is a nuisance to say the least; I'd rather be riding but hopefully get it sorted and that will be it fingers crossed.

Re-wrapping the loom is going to be fun as I'm sure it wont be as nice as before and I'll be getting other half involved.
Hi Greyfell - I ordered from good old ebay actual loom tape two rolls 15m x 18mm cost £2.42 awaiting delivery as from China so will see what it's like. Aware of the split tubing stuff but would like to look as original as possible. But if that's what I'll need then yep will go that route and thanks for link.
Well been a while so re-wrapped loom after finding no apparent issues and continuity checking all wires into and out from fuse 4 plus any linked in circuits and all SEEMED ok. Went out for a spin today 4/12 first 22 miles great gradually built the speed up keeping to the nearside just in case and trying various constant speeds 45/50/60/70 and occasional 80+ to pass traffic so decided to go round some back roads bang it's gone put one in ignition on bang again. Right lets head home next 10/12 miles ok then the final bit I went through 9 fuses (i was carrying spare just in case), so bugger not resolved.
Next get the MOT sorted hopefully it will pass if the fuse holds up then I'll take it off the road and consider what next in terms of components to change, so have a happy Xmas I'll be giving the wife a list so I know what I'll be getting hmmm.
Greyfell - Roads at the first blow where typical UK pothole strewn but not the worst, returning home the fuse blow on reasonably smooth roads. No doubt you are thinking possible vibration/jolt too the bike which yep it could be.

Triumph D - Not sure reference coils as first 22 miles fine then got about another 10/12 miles back but the final bit was a pig. I'd thought if it was coils then it be all the time but again will stand corrected.

At the moment thinking of selling to a dealer to resolve and getting a 2018 T120, just annoyed at moment
Yep David tried a 15 & 20 amp fuses and they have blown as well. The other thing I've noticed on reflection is it starts fine every time so far and runs for a while then starts to play up so perhaps something getting too hot check rec/reg as soon as it happens and not real issues there I think just warm to the touch as expected. Also there is a good earth although didn't think it was an issue.
Yesterday 6/12 or 12/6 for my US colleagues I got the bike in for an MOT (UK road worthiness at time of inspection) as due to expire in January and if I take it off the road could be for a while the testing station 2 miles down the road yep it blew so the bike wasn't overly hot.
The other thing I've noticed is the engine management light was coming on/off and engine sort of cutting out as previously mentioned so would a short cause this?
Rocky said it all, even when i was a auto mechanic i would explain to the customer it would only take a short time to fix a electrical problem but it might take all day to find the problem so i couldn't give a estimate.

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