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I can only say one thing about work this week. . . And the week won't be over for another 6 hours. . . Is a good old Christmas Story FUDGE!!! And if I need to explain, I'll let Ralphie do it.

Things at work are starting to come together and I might get to do a little riding shortly plus have some time to play in my woodshop!!!

To borrow from Rocky's thread title . . . The End Is Near!!!! FINALLY

I can see light at the end of the tunnel. . . I HOPE it ain't a train about to run me over.
I finally got the chance to take my normal monthly long weekend. :y45: And I've done NOTHING. Well that's not entirely true. Saturday we were supposed to go to the University of Texas with Kyle for a meeting with the Engineering School but with all the rains and flooding around Austin we cancelled the meeting. Instead I went to my old stomping grounds in north Louisiana with Alex to see a woman about a dog. He had been on a waiting list with a couple breeders and another one had three dogs available so. . . . we headed for Ruston, Louisiana.

Meet Harvey Dent, aka Two Faced



I did have to go into work for a couple hours Monday for a Supervisor meeting. We didn't get to what I wanted to get hashed out but I was informed I was moving off shift sometime after the first of the year and would be working as the Relief COS. This move will give me most weekends off and maybe I won't miss a lot of the rides with the two riders I ride with.
Well it's after the first of the year and I was told on January 15th that my move off shift was going to be delayed a few weeks or maybe a few months. The new supervisor hasn't been released to work his shift and we will all remain on our current schedules until he feels comfortable leading his crew, which by the way is handpicked by us other supervisors so he will have the most knowledgable operator working with him.

Well advance a few more days, January 22nd to be exact and I've been informed I'm moving off shift and will be working straight days beginning February 8th. My last week of shift work (for the time being) started halfway thru my 4 night shift run on Sunday, January 31st. I also had to work Monday night then return Friday, Saturday (today), and Sunday. My first week of straight days begins Monday.

The "normal" work week is Monday thru Thursday which wouldn't be too bad but we are beginning our Pre-Summer run outage season. When we actually are at full compliment with Operation Supervisors, the Relief Supervisor (i.e. Me) is the tagging coordinator for all work being performed on the unit that is removed from service. This is the only time during the year that I will actually have a crew assigned to me and our responsibility is to insure all equipment the plant employees, company support staff and a boat load of workers from multiple contractors and their sub-contractors will be working on is removed from service, and made safe to work on. The only issue is that the work will not begin until Monday, February 15th. That will mean I might get my first day off after putting in 16, 17, or 18 straight 12 hour days. I hope to get at least one day off after that stretch of days. When I accepted this 2 or more year assignment I DID NOT KNOW the straight day part was going to into being straight days all the way thru the assignment.

Oh well, our outage season ends April 1st. . . I hope. I sure was wanting to do some riding this spring. Oh well, maybe next spring will be better except it will be outage season again. I guess there is also the fall to look forward to but dang it, that's our post summer run outage season.
H, work sux, and i know you have to do it, in the future when you retire you will have so much to do you will realize that one of the reason's you retired was because you had so much to do that you didn't have time to work! Its sad but true.
I can see light at the end of the tunnel. . . I HOPE it ain't a train about to run me over.

I finally reached the light, the freaking train ran over me about half way thru the tunnel.

I'm no longer working the shift schedule, moved to a 40 hour work week. . . Well at least that is what by boss calls it, he has a sick sense of humor.

Over the past 6 weeks of this "40 hour" work week my shortest week has been a 67 hour week. In these six weeks I have been able to squeeze in two rides and had another 3 rides cancelled due to work. I've only been able to drop in here a few times to read a couple threads but not enough time available to actively participate.

IF all goes well, I should be more active in another three or four weeks.

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