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Got a problem. Has been stood for a short time (again). Tried to start her up but after lots of pops in the exhaust stopped trying to fire up. Spins over very well so the battery and wiring must(?) be ok. unless one of the various switchs holding off the start. Full seems to be present. Beginning to dismantle to get to every thing. Any ideas? Summer is here and now the thing is broke.
We'll I would get the plugs out clean um up and then drain the carbs and get some clean fuel in them .
The drain for the carbs is on the bottom of the float bowl there's a screw for each carb , try that and see haw you get on .
Has been running only been stood for about a week or so. Since I got it after being stood for a lot of months and got it to start quite well, but was not a good runner between idling and 2000 rpm after that runs well.
The fact that it has been stood for a long time and is now playing up after a short amount of running,screams fuel flow problems to me.
I am not familiar with the Trophys,but most Triumph models run wee filters in the lines(generaly at junctions,one for each cylinder) and also have screens at the petcock.
It is very likely that some or all of these are now blocked with fuel gum residue.
Disconect as much as you can and see if you are getting flow through all lines.And while you are at it,check for any blockage in the fuel cap vent.(this can be checked by removing the cap while it is running rough and seeing if there is any improvement.
good luck.
Ok I think I have something for you to try ! I think it is probably your diaphragms gone soft and the lifter springs gone weak !
This was a big problem on my 900 super3 which had been stood a long time , and the symptoms you say you have sound the same ( although not quite as severe as mine which bounced up and down ) the other ting to check is the small springs are still between the connecting rods on the throttles .