Why I wont participate in toy runs anymore

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I don't participate in these sorts of events. Too much congestion and riders I don't know.
I only group ride with my vintage bike club which often has up to 20 or more riders out for a day trip.
We stick to the back roads because we're on the old bikes and where the speed limit is 50-90 kph (30-54 mph). That's fast enough to enjoy the winding roads and the coastal scenery.
We have been riding together for many years. We don't speed, tailgate, ride side-by-side, or do anything stupid like that.
We're just out for a good time and a nice ride.
I'm with you blokes on this front. Increase the number of riders and the danger also increases. On another forum some time back I pointed out that I like to know about the organized rides so that I can go the other direction, it didn't go over very well, tough titties.
I did one mass ride, it was a charity event for a child with cancer.

Terrifying I tell you, 60km/h - the guy on my right wanted to pull wheelies, the bugger in front doing burnouts and some clown attempting endo's - but not actually getting anywhere.

Sod it, never again.
I find my own way to the event.

I avoid all toy runs, poker runs, etc. The only group rides I do are with the Patriot Guard Riders for funeral escorts. These are slow rides and LEO escorted. I am very wary and super alert even then.
Don't do the rides anymore, participated in them many years ago, learned better. One year a rider went down on the interstate portion of the ride when a cager cut through the line of bikes to get to his exit ramp and didn't see one of the riders, since then I will ride to the "end stop" of the event, donate my toy look at the bikes and ride home. Group rides (especially ones with 50-200 bikes) are just to dangerous to hard on the riders and the machines with all the yo-yo speeding up and down stuff.
If we get 20 or more bikes out for one of our weekend day rides we split them up into two or three smaller groups so we aren't a hazard on the road to others or ourselves. A very long string of bikes annoy some people and they can do (and do) stupid things like passing and cutting in when it's not safe. After the first group leaves the other groups follow at 5-6 minute intervals between them.
We generally don't have much trouble with idiots, but it happens once in a while.
I don't like big rides for the same reasons most of you have posted. . . you never know who you are riding with and what skill level or stunter level the riders right around you have.

With that said, I do make some large group rides. As Carl, I do make the PGR Missions. These missions are well run and the riders are there not to show off but to honor a Fallen Vet and a different mindset is experienced by the riders involved. I also do the Texas Honor Ride Ride To Nowhere and THE Texas Honor Ride. Again there is a different mindset on these rides. I do not do the Texas Honor Ride to Galveston sponsored by a local dealership, the mindset is different for that one. While they have not had any problems with that ride it is too much like a toy run or poker run for me.
I did it the last three years and this one (happening now as I type ) will be the first one I have missed.
The first I did solo and that was without incident, but the last two were with a pillion,(first my daughter in law and second my sister ) and on both occasions there were very near misses directly in front of me because of idiots who wouldnt hold position or had lost position and had to get back no matter what. I figured my payload was to precious to risk for some richard head antics so I now stay away.
It is a real shame because in the end it is the kiddies who miss out.
I think Keys has the right idea.
Don't do the rides anymore, participated in them many years ago, learned better. One year a rider went down on the interstate portion of the ride when a cager cut through the line of bikes to get to his exit ramp and didn't see one of the riders, since then I will ride to the "end stop" of the event, donate my toy look at the bikes and ride home. Group rides (especially ones with 50-200 bikes) are just to dangerous to hard on the riders and the machines with all the yo-yo speeding up and down stuff.
this is what I do as well.

It seems to me that the reason these rides are so dangerous is that you get lots of people who own bikes and only take them out once or twice a year, specifically for these rides and are not experienced riders. Also, you get lots of people who only ride to and from the local restaurant or bar and have no idea how to ride in a group - especially a very large one. And when I say large groups, i mean it. Our "Toys in the Sun" run, scheduled for next Sunday, will attract between 25-30,000 bikes - and that's not a typo. Takes nearly an hour to get everyone out of the staging area and nearly 3 hours to complete the ride.
Exactly K, most of the "riders" on the run don't ride 10-15 days a year if that.
I have heard of the Toys in the Sun run. A few co-workers back when I lived in the Keys went to that, and in true "poser" form they trailered the bikes up to do the run........need I say more?
Exactly K, most of the "riders" on the run don't ride 10-15 days a year if that.
I have heard of the Toys in the Sun run. A few co-workers back when I lived in the Keys went to that, and in true "poser" form they trailered the bikes up to do the run........need I say more?

I hope they had those devices that link the speedo on the bike to the wheels of the trailer otherwise they miss the brownie points for the big miles they cover. SAD
25 - 30,000 Bikes !! Shiit that is a lot of metal. Might give that one a miss due to unable to get shipping organized in time!! ha ha.... I totally agree with all previous comments, riding in a big bunch with strangers is NOT my idea of a good time. We had a five bike pile up in NZ this past weekend on such a run................. Two dead..............................
25 - 30,000 Bikes !! Shiit that is a lot of metal. Might give that one a miss due to unable to get shipping organized in time!! ha ha.... I totally agree with all previous comments, riding in a big bunch with strangers is NOT my idea of a good time. We had a five bike pile up in NZ this past weekend on such a run................. Two dead..............................

just saw the news before,was a black weekend for kiwi drivers, 7 dead, 5 of them m/cyclists.
Interesting thread. I partook in the Wellington toy run the day after this tragic event and have done so for a few years now. I understand everyone's comments and they certainly are valid for sure. I am doing less group rides these days for those very reasons. This accident was not one caused by the group ride itself, there were circumstances that lead to this horrific beyond the organizers control. Our ride was down in numbers I would say because of the events the day before and absolute **** weather and because of that I think every one rode with extra care and awareness. I guess not to many posers are willing to come out in those conditions so there was never a time where I felt unsafe, Its quite easy to tell if your riding next to an experienced rider. Probably will go next year.
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