Where did the time go?

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30th July 1971 the child bride and I tied the knot. I know, I know 20 year old blokes shouldn’t marry young girls, but we had the hots for each other.
Fast forward, 30th July 2011, a 36 year old son, a 30 year old daughter and two grand children, retired and the hair very grey and starting to thin. Hey, who’s that old bloke in the mirror that looks a lot like my dad?
We decided to keep it low key and have a party in ten years time for out fiftieth.
Being a beautiful sunny winters Saturday we decided to go out for lunch, just the two of us. Our first choice of restaurant was a no show without a reservation on a day like this so off to a small place that is very nice, I can’t believe this, it was fully booked for a private function. OK third choice and great, almost empty. We walk in to be told some road works a km away cut the gas line and coffee and cake is all that they can offer. We take it in good humor and go for take away coffee and cheesecake then move off to the
beach to watch the passing parade.
Back home its walk the dog, then with takeaway BBQ chicken, fresh salad and a nice bottle of red we play pool for a few hours. Now Sharron’s watching a movie on the box and I’m tapping the keys again. Well for a short time, I just might be getting lucky in an hour or so.

well im not quit that far down the road yet , but i to married young 20 im now 43 with a 22 year old daughter and a 21 year old son and am a grand father to two grand sons AT 43!!!!!!!!!.
and why does ti seem to go faster and faster the older you get ?
well im not quit that far down the road yet , but i to married young 20 im now 43 with a 22 year old daughter and a 21 year old son and am a grand father to two grand sons AT 43!!!!!!!!!.
and why does ti seem to go faster and faster the older you get ?

Tell me fellow traveler, where is this road taking us? :y28:
Tell me fellow traveler, where is this road taking us? :y28:

Well, if it's anything like the road I'm on it will be a fantastic journey.
I'm much further down that road than those who posted so far and I'm probably well ahead of everyone on this forum.
Knocking on wood, and giving thanks for good genes and great health, 'old age" isn't in my vocabulary.
But back to the subject at hand, yes indeed, where in hell did the time go???????????
My youngest child is 46 and it only seems like last week that I held her in my arms as a baby.
Both of my kids and all my family support my riding motorcycles, and even after my crash three years ago, none of them wanted me to give up riding.
If fact, I think my kids get a kick out of telling their friends that their father owns a bunch of motorcycles and rides all over the place on them and has done so on two continents.

A few weeks ago I was out on my mildly noisy BSA 441 and dropped in on my daughter and son-in-law since I was passing close by.
I was dressed in my zipper jacket and engineers boots a la Marlon Brando and had forgotten that my SIL had visiting relatives from Europe. When I roared up everyone was sitting in the shade sipping drinks. My daughter told them, "Oh, that's just my father!"
The relatives were a little stunned that this "person" was her father, but they weren't stuffy and soon relaxed at the sight of this leather-clad "rebel":y2:
I had a drink; they took my picture; watched me kickstart the big single (started on first kick), then I roared off to the delight of everyone - me included:y2:
Well, if it's anything like the road I'm on it will be a fantastic journey.
I'm much further down that road than those who posted so far and I'm probably well ahead of everyone on this forum.
Knocking on wood, and giving thanks for good genes and great health, 'old age" isn't in my vocabulary.
But back to the subject at hand, yes indeed, where in hell did the time go???????????
My youngest child is 46 and it only seems like last week that I held her in my arms as a baby.
Both of my kids and all my family support my riding motorcycles, and even after my crash three years ago, none of them wanted me to give up riding.
If fact, I think my kids get a kick out of telling their friends that their father owns a bunch of motorcycles and rides all over the place on them and has done so on two continents.

A few weeks ago I was out on my mildly noisy BSA 441 and dropped in on my daughter and son-in-law since I was passing close by.
I was dressed in my zipper jacket and engineers boots a la Marlon Brando and had forgotten that my SIL had visiting relatives from Europe. When I roared up everyone was sitting in the shade sipping drinks. My daughter told them, "Oh, that's just my father!"
The relatives were a little stunned that this "person" was her father, but they weren't stuffy and soon relaxed at the sight of this leather-clad "rebel":y2:
I had a drink; they took my picture; watched me kickstart the big single (started on first kick), then I roared off to the delight of everyone - me included:y2:

Rocky, that's a good story. For me they always end in one or the other extreme, never the middle. This time you started it first kick and rode off the aging action man. Had you flooded it, and spent 15min sorting it out you would have been the silly old git.:y2:
I remember sitting in a pub when I was in my early 20's and the one guy that would sort of hang out in our group was in his early 40's. He had a sports car and I still remarked to my friend what on earth does that old fart want hanging around with us young guys and riding a sport car :y52: Well I am not as far down the road as the rest of you but far enough to start looking at the possibilities of retirement being just down the road and how my working time seems to have rushed by.
I'm not one to be giving lifestyle advice, but you can't let yourself fall into the "old man" syndrome. If you do that's what you will become. You have to think young, be active, act young (within reasonable limits - no chasing 20 year-olds at age 70) and be young at heart.
Of course to be blessed with good health goes along way in this too. Without good health it's hard to enjoy life and do the things I mentioned.
Take care of your body and your health and, if the good Lord is willin', and the creeks don't rise, you should still have a long road ahead to enjoy.
dead right rocky ! i have 2 lads give me a hand in the saw mill from time to time, 1 is 20 the other is 18 im 43 and the pair of them can not keep up with me on my own .

being youg is over rated ! BGRIN
Kevin and Rocky, I share your question as to where has the time gone. As you said, it seems like only a few days ago that I was holding my kids in my arms. Now I have a granddaughter in university and and only have one grandchild that I can still hold in my arms. One has no choice but to grow older - provided one lives. But we do have a choice about growing up. I refuse to grow up! I am enjoying my older years; so far, they are among the best times of my life. I hope I blessed with many more days to come.
Yes just think they could start off with discussing music and what disco they would be going to that night :y7: :y2: I don't know if I could accept having a partner that I know is only with me for my money. Oh but of course I have to have no fear of that as I have none :y12:

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