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Had to go onto another Triumph forum looking for some information. The first thing I am greeted with is a big banner ad "Enjoy the freedom get a Harley Davidson" :y7: You think they trying to tell us something :y10:
Advertising and forums can be a can of worms.
I'm a member of another forum (don't bother much with it anymore) if you post a positive comment about a competitor to the sponsor you get bombarded with negative comments. If you come back with an argument you get banned. The forum owner then changes your profile to say things like "I like boys".:y14:
Advertising and forums can be a can of worms.
I'm a member of another forum (don't bother much with it anymore) if you post a positive comment about a competitor to the sponsor you get bombarded with negative comments. If you come back with an argument you get banned. The forum owner then changes your profile to say things like "I like boys".:y14:
I'm often amazed at how childish they are on some forums.
I have always said that people do and say things on a forum from the comfort of their home thousands of kilometres ( miles) away they would never dare say to your face.
I'm often amazed at how childish they are on some forums.
I have always said that people do and say things on a forum from the comfort of their home thousands of kilometres ( miles) away they would never dare say to your face.

Long ago I stopped saying too much about various things that I've done over the years because spotty faced kids come out and call you a liar. They look at their 20 years of life, 16 of them as a child, and with say 4 years of adulthood they compare themselves with our back catalogue.
When face to face with young blokes some have said to me "How can you have been lucky enough to have done all of those things?" or "How come you know all of that stuff?" The reason is because I'm old and don't have the time or inclination to argue with young bigheads that know everything at 20.
While I'm on the soapbox and talking with like minded, how are these people going to gain life experience from a computer? They talk about technical riding skills, put a camera on the bike and go out and crash.
They aren't telling me or selling me anything.
I have no interest whatever in H-D, but many do so good for them.
Life is about choices and doing what pleases us.

Well said. TUP

Advertising and forums can be a can of worms.
I'm a member of another forum (don't bother much with it anymore) if you post a positive comment about a competitor to the sponsor you get bombarded with negative comments. If you come back with an argument you get banned. The forum owner then changes your profile to say things like "I like boys".:y14:

How juvenile. I have no time or tolerance for that kind of mindless crap.
Long ago I stopped saying too much about various things that I've done over the years because spotty faced kids come out and call you a liar. They look at their 20 years of life, 16 of them as a child, and with say 4 years of adulthood they compare themselves with our back catalogue.
When face to face with young blokes some have said to me "How can you have been lucky enough to have done all of those things?" or "How come you know all of that stuff?" The reason is because I'm old and don't have the time or inclination to argue with young bigheads that know everything at 20.
While I'm on the soapbox and talking with like minded, how are these people going to gain life experience from a computer? They talk about technical riding skills, put a camera on the bike and go out and crash.

Kevin I feel the same way I to was trying to help out some young riders on the one forum but they just had too many years of experience on me with there one years riding. So I just shut up sat back and let them carry on. :y2:
While I'm on the soapbox and talking with like minded, how are these people going to gain life experience from a computer? They talk about technical riding skills, put a camera on the bike and go out and crash.

I was told that the camera was the cause of their crashes. They have all the talent and skill but some how the camera caused an imbalance which resulted in the crash. I told the one that told me that that I had a little different theory. The "rider" and I use that term VERY loosely, was trying to ride the bike beyond his and/or the bikes ability and that fact alone was the cause of the crash. The "rider" looked at me like I was half crazy so I just shock my head and said it was the bushes fault. he laughed and said "yeah it's George's fault" to which I said no, it was the bush your momma was laying in when y'all were conceived. I think I about fried his brain on that one. It took him almost 10 minutes to figure out what I said about his mom.

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i was brought up to respect my elders even if there wrong ! which is not often .
im 43 and most of my freinds now are between 50 and 75 , i love to learn stuff and you only learn with exspeariance :y9:TUP
I was told that the camera was the cause of their crashes. They have all the talent and skill but some how the camera caused an imbalance which resulted in the crash. I told the one that told me that that I had a little different theory. The "rider" and I use that term VERY loosely, was trying to ride the bike beyond his and/or the bikes ability and that fact alone was the cause of the crash. The "rider" looked at me like I was half crazy so I just shock my head and said it was the bushes fault. he laughed and said "yeah it's George's fault" to which I said no, it was the bush your momma was laying in when y'all were conceived. I think I about fried his brain on that one. It took him almost 10 minutes to figure out what I said about his mom.

A good laugh first thing on a Sunday morning! Thanks.:y2:
i was brought up to respect my elders even if there wrong ! which is not often .
im 43 and most of my freinds now are between 50 and 75 , i love to learn stuff and you only learn with exspeariance :y9:TUP

Back when I was in my 20's there were a number of men in our club about as old as my dad and older. I gravitated to these blokes and loved listening to the stories. They were very fast but didn't make much of it. They played it straight at national meetings but on club days you'd be in a tight left hander going as hard as you can and they ride around the outside and turn your kill switch off. Scary the first time,:y13: but funny when you got familiar with the little games.
Well going back in time this is how we learned all about riding and motorbikes by listening and watching what the older bikers had to share. Now it all about purchasing a bike that can do more than 200km and the first time you reach this speed you are the man even if it was only in a straight line. BGRIN
to be honest any of the modern bikes are capable of speeds way beyond most peoples abilities, BUT most of the time its inexspeariance that is the factor that comes into play.
old or young !
I was speaking to the one guy on a forum who thought he was so good doing 200+ kmh on his bike. What I said to him was if anything has to pull out in front of him he would have no chance. His answer is he only does it where he can see far ahead of him. So I did the maths for him taking the average reaction speed of a human meter per second and so on. I worked out if he could see 1 km ahead of him and something did pull out by the time he even started applying breaks he would be past the point where he saw it. Then of course not even taking into account the distance it would actually take the bike to slow down to any sort of manageable speed. :y7:

For me it has never been about speed but power and acceleration, that's what does it for me :y2:
Well that is one thing you don't find here and that is bike bashing we don't care what bike anyone rides as that is an individuals choice. At the end of it we all have the same common interest and that is bikes. At one time I would get a local bike magazine every month but have stopped as it has just become an ad mag with more ads than actual content. Things need to have a balance and yes ads can help pay the bills but not to the extent where it becomes a bind for the reader. Facebook is another one that has now become a place where you see more ads than anything else so I have also dropped that and gone over to Google Plus.
I don't care what anyone rides. I like most anything on two wheels. Some I like more than others. I tease HD riders - and I have owned an HD - and they tease me.; but we ride together and respect each other.

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