Just to summarize a few of the things that have happened in the past few days, since we discovered the passage of HB 2470 in the Texas House:
1. We have personally contacted multiple senators and policy analysts who have asked good questions, provided honest feedback, and agreed with many of our positions.
2. We successfully solicited the help of the American Motorcyclist Association, who authored an action alert supporting our cause. AMA have sent a letter to the Texas Senate by now and will hopefully lobby for us to one degree or another.
3. AMA has enlisted the assistance of the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC), who are the voice of the motorcycle manufacturing industry, and who help fund the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. They have authored a position statement supporting our cause, and have considerable legal and lobbying resources.
4. Cycle World Magazine is helping us spread the word through social media and their blogs.
5. In only a few days, we've attracted close to 500 fans to our FB page who oppose HB 2470.
Keep up the fight, and thank you for your time, effort, and tenacity in supporting the cause of preserving motorcycle rights in Texas.