upcoming birthdays

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
I just happened to notice the upcoming birthdays and that those youngsters are in their 30's and 40's.
Heck, those folks are younger than my children :y26:
As yes, the 30's and 40's, the good old days. I remember them well....at least I think I do :y23:
I hope that when they get to be my age they're still riding and enjoying it as much as ever.
Rocky, I hope that in six years I will still be as active as you. You are my inspiration. These folks with upcoming birthdays are my children's ages!
It's the same with me....my kid's ages....but I do think that interacting with these young whippersnappers is what helps to keep us old farts young....or relatively so.... :grin:

I just refuse to grow old....older maybe, but never old.

Rocky I keep chasing you, and Carl is chasing me, but we don't seem to be closing the gap very much, even if the years do pass more quickly now...
Hey Dave, my condition isn't so great these days so hope to not be in the shape I'm in right now :y114: but there is hope for the future.
I will rise to ride again (2009) or I'll know the reason why not!
Who would have thought that being able to finally reach over and wash your left armpit would be considered something to celebrate :y23:
Small things amuse small minds :grin:

Thanks Carl. I'm sure that in a few years you will be riding and enjoying it as much as I do - did. I'm just temporarily on the side lines.
The past three months passed quicker than I expected. I accepted the fact that I was done for this year and didn't dwell on it. With winter coming that mindset will continue and we'll see what next April brings.
In the meantime I'm putting 100% into the physio program. The next two months wil be the hardest to make gains at my age.
Shyguy, I'm with you. I simply refuse to grow up.......older, but never old.
The few friends I have that are my age are content to sit and watch Oprah. Sorry, not this old fart!
They thought I was absolutely nuts to ride a motorcycle in South America. Well.....I crashed, but what an adventure I had! Of course they also think I'm absolutely nuts to ever get on a motorcycle again.
So many roads, so little time.
Rocky, I am sure you have heard the comment...."You don't quit riding because you get old, you get old because you quit riding". I simply refuse to get old....evidenced by the fact that I just bought an '08 Tiger ABS as an addition to my stable of a modern classic '02 Thunderbird, and a solid running '02 Ya...... Road Star, that I use for long distance riding. People continually ask me what I need 3 bikes for, and I simply explain that I don't "need" them, but I "want and love" them. They each fill a different aspect of my riding enjoyment, and I simply refuse to stop riding because of my age.
I am sure you will rebound from your accident and continue riding and loving every moment in the saddle, so to speak. You are the poster child for enjoying life to the fullest, and is that not the best way to look at life???????
The funny thing is I have friend my own age and it scares me as they are old. Every time I see the one it seems that he is falling apart more and more. Now for me I only know I am getting older when I look in a mirror. I still say to the wife at times Wow that person is old and she will remind me that they are in fact younger than me. :y18:
Hey you guys, thanks for your support. It means a lot.
Shyguy, I have four motorcycles and I can't tell you how many times I wanted to bring another one home.
I belong to an 86 member vintage bike club and wonderful machines often come up for sale. If it wasn't for the fact that I only have space for four bikes I would probably have more.
It's a sickness I tell ya, it's a sickness :y23: