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Nice pics Carl TUP
I'm thinking that sharing the water with speedy airboats in such a low profile kayak might be risky. Is that ever a problem?
I spent yesterday at my lakeside cottage setting up the water pump, putting out deck chairs and tables, etc., getting ready for the summer.
Between spending time there; time out on the road and tending to chores, I'll be here less and less over the summer months.
Well Rocky as long as you have a blast and enjoy your summer month that is all that matters
Summer "month????"
Was that a typo or are you having fun with me about our short summers :y23:
Cottage time really only lasts until about the end of September. By then it's too cold to stay overnight. Fine during the days, but come 1 October it's time to close things up again.
It's quite a bit of work for such a short season, but those days at the lake are so peaceful and relaxing in the fresh, clear air.
We put out bird feeders and enjoy lots of birds as well as the hummingbirds that visit their feeder. There are beavers in the lake as well as a family of loons every year. Sometimes a fox will visit as well as a groundhog. Last year a groundhog spend most of the summer under the boat house.
A pair of bald eagles nest at the far end of the lake and are often seen soaring in the sky looking for fish to scoop up for a meal.
I have a motor boat and enjoy cruising the lake as well as taking a swim on a hot day and enjoying a fire in the fireplace in the evenings.
It's all a bit of paradise not that far (30 minutes) from the city.
Lol Rocky you mean you have more than a month of summer then.

Funny how you embrace every part of your summer and we just take ours for granted. I suppose that is because we don't have much of a winter here and the changes are not so apparent for us
Lol Rocky you mean you have more than a month of summer then.

Funny how you embrace every part of your summer and we just take ours for granted. I suppose that is because we don't have much of a winter here and the changes are not so apparent for us
Yes, summer is a big deal here because we have so few months of it.
As you know, when winter comes here, it's really winter SAD and very, very cold, so we make the most of summer months.
Nice pics Carl TUP
I'm thinking that sharing the water with speedy airboats in such a low profile kayak might be risky. Is that ever a problem?
I spent yesterday at my lakeside cottage setting up the water pump, putting out deck chairs and tables, etc., getting ready for the summer.
Between spending time there; time out on the road and tending to chores, I'll be here less and less over the summer months.

Rocky, you have to be careful; but I have not even had a close call. The airboat pilots are very aware of kayakers and fishermen in small boats. In open water, we keep are kayaks near the shore line for the most part.

carl can you fly over next week and mow my grass ! HEY EVERYBODY PUT YOUR REQUESTS IN !....CARLS DOING A GRASS MOWING WORLD TOUR ! ROTFL

Shane, I will be right there. Just send me the prepaid, round trip ticket. BGRIN

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