Time to Retire

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I agree. Staying active improves your life quality and adds to your life span.

I agree. Staying active improves your life quality and adds to your life span.

Yep, and unfortunately theres one other thing that also adds years and improves health a lot. I say unfortunately because it's not a particularly happy thing....eating less. (especially when my age where eating is one of the only things to look forward to anymore:y2:) That is, eating only what your body needs to maintain your ideal weight. Harder to do for those who don't gain weight, but you get the gist of it. It's a proven fact, and i gotta tell you, i don't eat a heck of a lot but when i eat my absolute minimum for a number of day i begin to feel better than i have in years. Eat a bit more to where i gain 5 Lbs and my blood pressure goes up and i start feeling like crap all the time.
I only eat once a day at that is my meal at night, other than that its liquids during the day and I feel that I need to lose a bit right now. I would hate to see how I would look if I had to eat like I see some people doing
I am thirty pounds heavier than when I graduated from high school; but only 10 pounds heavier than when I I completed Army basic training. I can still wear my uniforms.

We're all different in how our bodies react to weight, but for me unfortunately mine cannot handle the least bit of overweight. All it takes me is to get somewhere around 6 or 8 Lbs over what i feel is my ideal weight and i start feeling like i'm going to have a heart attack or stroke. Maybe an underplaying condition, but whatever it is it's like clockwork. The second i hit a certain weight which most would consider normal, the symptoms start and i feel like if i don't lose it i won't be here in a matter of months. Right now i'm there because Xmas and all the snacks and things from going to family gatherings and such. And i have felt my BP go thru the roof in the last couple weeks. So i'm on a strict calorie diet right now. Sucks.....eating is my #1 passion. :y2: (yes, more than bikes!)
its a year now since i gave up smoking , im 6ft and i used to way 12 and a half stone . i now way 14 and a half stone and feel better for it but i would like to get rid of the belly !
the 6 pack went after 3 months :y8: but then again its a trade off i now have a lot more strength in my arms and legs , and have only had a bad back once this year .
Good for you ! I gave it up closing in on 5 years now, and i can't stand the thought of smoking now. I never thought i could feel that way, and thats one reason it was so hard to give up. Had i known i'd eventually feel like that i may have given it up earlier. But i had quit several times for up to a year and even after that long i would be longing for a cigarette. But this time i found that by about 2 years or maybe even less i finally lost the desire to a degree that made it easy not to smoke. And by 3 years It was making me sick to even think of it. Hang in there....if you still have any desire, it will keep getting a lot easier. As to the weight, thats something thats goes away once your habits and body get back to normal. At least it did for me and a friend who quit too. We both gained for about a year then got back down to normal. Not smoking is so amazing after all the years i smoked. I certainly did my share of damage tho. And had i not quit i'm certain it would have done me in by now. By the way, i know someone here who still does. I won't name names, but you know who you are, and you REALLY should start thinking about it !!!
thanks dazco ! the weight thing is good to now , i have no cravings for the demon sticks now at all .
and it still makes me smile now thinking back to the days when i smoked , and i used to think to my self what it would be like if i didn't smoke !
well now i know and its great ! BGRIN and a big :clap: to anyone who's done it .
B.C. sounds like you have the same problem as I do. I have the metabolism from Hell. (women hate me) I can go on vacation sit on my butt, eat drink be merry and LOSE 10 lbs. I have to WORK very hard in the gym, take in thousands and thousands of calories a day plus protein supplements and all to maintain 200 lbs. When I quit going to the gym and adding the extra calories (which I have had to do the last year due to work and lack of "gym rat" $ and time) I drop like a rock right back down to 170 lbs.

Oh well, it "is what it is" as they say.
Good for you ! I gave it up closing in on 5 years now, and i can't stand the thought of smoking now. I never thought i could feel that way, and thats one reason it was so hard to give up. Had i known i'd eventually feel like that i may have given it up earlier. But i had quit several times for up to a year and even after that long i would be longing for a cigarette. But this time i found that by about 2 years or maybe even less i finally lost the desire to a degree that made it easy not to smoke. And by 3 years It was making me sick to even think of it. Hang in there....if you still have any desire, it will keep getting a lot easier. As to the weight, thats something thats goes away once your habits and body get back to normal. At least it did for me and a friend who quit too. We both gained for about a year then got back down to normal. Not smoking is so amazing after all the years i smoked. I certainly did my share of damage tho. And had i not quit i'm certain it would have done me in by now. By the way, i know someone here who still does. I won't name names, but you know who you are, and you REALLY should start thinking about it !!!

Hear! Hear! But I won't mention any names either.

Speaking of weight, a couple of years I got on the scale and it said to me "Will one of you please get off!" Had a problem at 318 pounds. Lost 53 pounds or so and down to a svelte 265 pounds. Tall at 6' 5", but as they say "A waist is a terrible thing to mind" :-) Or, if you like the alternative explanation, if I were 8' 6" tall, my previous weight would be fine. Feeling much better for someone older the dirt. Now able to cut 4 cords of firewood, plant a garden, play with the many dogs we have, and most important, ride my bike, longer and farther than before. The older you get, the harder in general it is to lose the excess weight, but it CAN be done.

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