Time is passing quickly so last week I installed the new Ikon shocks on the T100. That got me in the mood to have the new tires fitted and also the progressive fork springs.
The new rear tire was the first item on the agenda and I started that a couple of days ago. To save on labour I take the wheels off my non-vintage bikes and take them to the dealer for tire fitting and balancing.
This was the first time the wheels will have been take off the bike since I bought it. Having to remove the mufflers (silencers) is a bit of a PITA, but not so bad after all. A lot of crud had built up on the mufflers in areas I can't see or get at easily so I spent some time cleaning them up along with the hub and spokes. Seven summers of crud had really caked and baked on. There was also some surface corrosion so it was worth the effort! After all, once in every seven years isn't much of a chore
I had noticed before some surface corrosion around the dimples on the wheel and on the spoke nipples, but working at cleaning that off with the wheel on the bike is tough.
While I had the wheel off I propped it up on my workbench and spent a couple of hours (off and on) with a couple of tooth brushes and Autosol getting rid of the crud.
Yeah, I know, right about now the eyes are rolling and anal comes to mind
But a wise old man once told me, "If you don't maintain a thing, it will become something else."
I now have a spotless rim and probably won't be doing this again for another 6-7 years

The new rear tire was the first item on the agenda and I started that a couple of days ago. To save on labour I take the wheels off my non-vintage bikes and take them to the dealer for tire fitting and balancing.
This was the first time the wheels will have been take off the bike since I bought it. Having to remove the mufflers (silencers) is a bit of a PITA, but not so bad after all. A lot of crud had built up on the mufflers in areas I can't see or get at easily so I spent some time cleaning them up along with the hub and spokes. Seven summers of crud had really caked and baked on. There was also some surface corrosion so it was worth the effort! After all, once in every seven years isn't much of a chore

I had noticed before some surface corrosion around the dimples on the wheel and on the spoke nipples, but working at cleaning that off with the wheel on the bike is tough.
While I had the wheel off I propped it up on my workbench and spent a couple of hours (off and on) with a couple of tooth brushes and Autosol getting rid of the crud.
Yeah, I know, right about now the eyes are rolling and anal comes to mind

But a wise old man once told me, "If you don't maintain a thing, it will become something else."

I now have a spotless rim and probably won't be doing this again for another 6-7 years