Hi all
I'm having a charging issue i'm hoping someone maybe able to shed some light on ...
I put my charger/stress tester on the battery it's a new battery so tested fine....flicked the stress test switch again fine.. Then started the bike and it showed as weak charge. ....
Next step was research
Stator, rectifier and rotor
Found ways to test the stator and rectifier but they seemed to test fine....
So the rotor is just a magnet and there's on reason why it would become demagnetized...
So did I do my tests incorrectly ? ? Or could it be something else....
I did a wee video of my tests so if anyone can find any faults with them please point them out..
Rectifier test Rectifier test
Stator test Stator test
I've now run out of ideas so any help would be great
Thanks ; ( ......
I'm having a charging issue i'm hoping someone maybe able to shed some light on ...
I put my charger/stress tester on the battery it's a new battery so tested fine....flicked the stress test switch again fine.. Then started the bike and it showed as weak charge. ....
Next step was research
Stator, rectifier and rotor
Found ways to test the stator and rectifier but they seemed to test fine....
So the rotor is just a magnet and there's on reason why it would become demagnetized...
So did I do my tests incorrectly ? ? Or could it be something else....
I did a wee video of my tests so if anyone can find any faults with them please point them out..
Rectifier test Rectifier test
Stator test Stator test
I've now run out of ideas so any help would be great
Thanks ; ( ......