Tiger 955i 2002 weak charge

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Hi all

I'm having a charging issue i'm hoping someone maybe able to shed some light on ...

I put my charger/stress tester on the battery it's a new battery so tested fine....flicked the stress test switch again fine.. Then started the bike and it showed as weak charge. ....

Next step was research

Stator, rectifier and rotor

Found ways to test the stator and rectifier but they seemed to test fine....

So the rotor is just a magnet and there's on reason why it would become demagnetized...

So did I do my tests incorrectly ? ? Or could it be something else....

I did a wee video of my tests so if anyone can find any faults with them please point them out..

Rectifier test Rectifier test

Stator test Stator test

I've now run out of ideas so any help would be great

Thanks ; ( ......
Next step is to check your earth/ground connections. Your test of the battery checked the battery at the posts, but your bike's indicator is checking at the starter switch, or at the starter, so there may be a loose (or corroded) connection between the battery and the point at which the indicator measures.
Hi all

Battery isn't charging probably.... If the bike is left without starting for a week it won't start and that's driving without light so that's when I tested the Charge and the needle only went as far as the yellow and read weak. now the darkness has arrived that will only get worse...

Thanks for the ideas.... i'll trace the ground from the alternator to the battery and then from the battery to the starter and check all the grounds...

Fingers crossed
The early tiger 955i with light switch had a weak rectifier it was improved on the later ones with no light switch and had an improved generator , i would see if the recifier is getting warm when the bike is running !
The early tiger 955i with light switch had a weak rectifier it was improved on the later ones with no light switch and had an improved generator , i would see if the recifier is getting warm when the bike is running !

Cool I'll check that out as well.......

Oh some other info I should have posted

With bike running

Charge volts 13.5V (other people seem to be saying should be around 14.5V )

Used an amp clap around positive wire on battery...... 8 amps ...... lights on drops to 1.4 amps

Bike Manuel said the alternator should be 40 amps

; (
The early tiger 955i with light switch had a weak rectifier it was improved on the later ones with no light switch and had an improved generator , i would see if the recifier is getting warm when the bike is running !

I let the bike run for 5 mins to warm up stuck my finger on it and burnt my finger so thought I would use a more scientific method.

used one of those laser temp guns and it clocked 58c / 136F

the problem now I don't know what the temp should be.... have you any idea..

on my first post I put a link of a video of me testing the Rectifier it seemed to test ok do you know If I did something wrong..
Next step is to check your earth/ground connections. Your test of the battery checked the battery at the posts, but your bike's indicator is checking at the starter switch, or at the starter, so there may be a loose (or corroded) connection between the battery and the point at which the indicator measures.

the earths seem good no corrosion ….. was kind of hoping that would have be the prob
Hey ......

I had to put fixing this on hold for a while but now back at it.

So I found the problem and it was the fuse box ..

This could also be the problem that a lot of others are experiencing with having a 1 volt drop in the wiring loom .

I did a wee video for the 1 or 2 people that may want to see the tests I did working this out.

Video of my wiring loom test..... Final wiring loom test

Fun stuff ; )

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