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[h=1]Bring Motorcycle road tax inline with that of cars[/h]Responsible department: Department for Transport
Cars pay road tax on based on the emissions.
Motorcycles pay road tax based on their CC
For most motorcycles, if they were cars, they'd pay no tax whatsoever...
... but as Motorcycle's are still taxed based on the old method of judging their CC, motorcycles over 600cc pay £78 a year.
So a Toyota Aygo or Citreon C1, a tax class B car, pays just £20 a year, producing 139gm of Co2...
....but a Honda VFR making just 16.5g of CO2, pays £78 a year, nearly 4 times as much.
Motorcycles take up next to no room, are far less emitting than cars, cause far less wear/tear on the road surfaces and reduce traffic.
It's about time this fundamental unfairness was addressed, and motorcycle tax based on emission on the same basis as cars.
It is either discrimination against motorcyclists, or blatant milking of us for financial benefit.

Please sign this petition and pass it on
Good luck with that. Motorcycle owners are in the minority and there are many motorcycle haters out there. Plus no government likes loss of tax revenue. You all will have to make a whole lot of noise.
The problem in the UK is that riders simply refuse to join a riders rights group in order for that group to protect and fight their corner for them. I have been in the UK's Motorcycle Action Group for well over 25 years now, but the people who are in this organization amount to just 1% of the UK riding population, is it any wonder with that level of support that the brown stuff lands on us. It's not that expensive to join £25.00 a year for someone else to do all the running around seems like a bargain to me. Until people get off their backsides like what seems a vast majority of you in the US do, and fight for their right to ride we'll always be an easy target and will never get anywhere.
Time to get off my soap box again
ABATE is very strong here in Pennsylvania. So much so that politicians court our good favor and attend our events just hoping members will remember them and cast a ballot in their favor. It's almost funny seeing competing politicians all at one of our events while they all look so out of place with a bunch of bikers! :)

Posted with TapaTalk
ABATE is very strong here in Pennsylvania. So much so that politicians court our good favor and attend our events just hoping members will remember them and cast a ballot in their favor. It's almost funny seeing competing politicians all at one of our events while they all look so out of place with a bunch of bikers! :)

Posted with TapaTalk

MAG ( Motorcycle Action Group ) enjoys much the same in the UK, it's regularly asked it's opinion on different aspects of legislation that might affect motorcyclist, MAG also has a few MP's as members. I just wish more bikers would wake up and join these organizations before it's too late

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