There's No Way To Adjust My Rear Shocks

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Well-Known Member
I wanted to adjust the rear shocks on my 2012 Bonneville SE, but there doesn't appear to be any way to do it. As you should be able to see from the pics, there's nowhere for a flat screw driver to go and the inner surface is smooth so an allen key/wrench won't work either?
Am I missing something or has the previous owner replaced the shocks with non-adjustable ones?
Cheers for any help.


Down to the local hardware store you go on your bike; then go to the nuts and bolts section, find a long 1/4", I believe, bolt (the type with about and inch or so of thread and a long smooth unthreaded length..6" is good), and see it they'll let you take it out to see if it'll fit in the hole of the adjuster. When you find the right one, and get it home, cut off the threads and remove the burrs from the cut. Now you have a compact shock adjuster................I made my a couple of years ago.'s very inexpensive!!
The "village idiot" IS a very frugal sort, you know: Jim
Just make sure that it's a good snug fit, that's the reason that reason I mentioned "trial fitting" before you buy it. When find the right size, buy a stainless one as they are stronger, I believe.
Works perfect for me..........good luck: Jim
you could use BIG channel locks with a piece of leather something so as not scratch shock it will turn, might want to spray blast on rear part of shock that turns to help free it up, good luck, DON'T squeeze to hard or might crush shock sleeve, don't ask me how i know.