The O-fficial TT abandoned gas station picture thread!

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Well-Known Member
Well folks, here it is, by popular demand....
I love abandoned gas stations, they remind me of the days gone by, when service attendants actually checked your oil for you and washed your windshield. Before the interstate system, most were privately owned, followed no set models, many actually had service bays (imagine that!) and some even had motels out back. These are still somewhat easy to spot on our U.S. highways and secondary roads but they are vanishing QUICK. Many are being bulldozed to make room for Wal-Marts and chain convenience stores, fast food joints in some states. Let's see how many we can capture in the pages of TT. I'm going to cheat and post up the photos I've already posted in other threads with the promise that I will keep new ones coming...
Except maybe in a very small town or village, a pump attendant is almost a thing of the past. Self-service is where it's at these days.
Abandoned gas stations are quite rare around here as they are usually converted into something else or torn down.
It amazes me that they leave the coke machine out like that and it just stays there. Anything abondened this side does not last long. This includes the buildings as they are stolen brick by brick until all is gone :y10:
It's not uncommon to see them outside out in the country. Around the bigger cities or heavy traveled areas you will find the coke machines behind security bars if they aren't inside a building.

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Have you ever tried moving a coke machine???????? I worked for Coke, it ain't easy. And unless you have the right lifts and dolly's and such, fagedaboutit They weigh anywhere from 6-800lbs. depending on model and if it has product in it they are pushing 1000lbs. :y13: Lots lighter stuff to steel out there.
I ride by this every work day. Have been for the past 30+ years. They sold gas for over 20 years until a EXXON opened about 1/4 mile away. Then they did tire repair and sold beer, soft drinks and snaks until about 6 months ago.

Reynolds Hollywood S.C..jpg
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