The adventure bike that creates it's own adventures

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I had an idea to buy a one year old Tiger Roadie in the UK and export it to Sweden where I work. After a few test rides and testing a Roadie and XC back to back, I fell in love with the XC. After countless hours reviewing dozens of bikes online I bought an 1 month old Tiger off ebay.

With the help of my aging parents the Tiger was caged and ready to pick up as soon as the opportunity presented it's self with work. Luck was in and a trip to Glasgow with work presented itself. So just to take a train and ride it to a ferry to Denmark and over to Sweden. Easy or?

When I've found out where on the forum you post stories of the "long way home" I'll finish this story and pass my thanks to those that went above and beyond to ensure I didn't go to Sweden without the bike and take humiliating ride home on a train in my bike gear (would have left my helmet on like a disapointed F1 driver) :y2:
Hi Richard and welcome to TT
Going by your accent I'm picking your a Brit working in Sweden.:y2:
Good luck with the tiger, and you could try "road trips and ride outs" in general biking or maybe in the tiger section.
BTW, we have a favourite expression here, :worthless:
Welcome to TT from Southeast Texas.

Since Devo already pointed you to the Road Trips and Ride Outs you should find the right spot. Looking forward to the photos and write up. On second thought, you might also look at the Adventure Rides section for the report.
Hello Richard welcome to the forum, I will be looking forward to this ride report as it sounds interesting to say the least

Congrats and welcome from Alabama! Another Tiger in our midst!!!! :y2: Dave, we may need to change this to TigerTalk ​??????

It sure is looking like we are heading in that direction but with such a COOL bike what can we expect :y2:
Richard, welcome to the forum from Florida USA and another Tiger XC owner. Congrats on your XC. These are fine bikes. I have done some adventure riding on mine.
Should add a pic here - this was the 'shake down' :y6:
Tiger Moel Famau.jpg

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