Hi, I took the gearbox cover off my 1967 T90 the other day to replace the gearlever shaft oil ring. As I eased the cover of the kickstart spring shot off and unwound. I can't seem to get it back on. the spring cover plate only goes onto the shaft by about 1/8th of an inch. Sometimes it comes apart again before I can get the gearbox cover on. Other times I get the cover most of the way on and then Twang, it's off again. What exactly holds the spring and spring cover onto the shaft. If you look at
it might help. Page 146 Fig D9.
If you haven't got a workshop manual for a T90 or T100 you have now.
Thanks, Barry
it might help. Page 146 Fig D9.
If you haven't got a workshop manual for a T90 or T100 you have now.
Thanks, Barry