Hello all. I got the T140 1978 1/2 back from the welder. I mocked everything up and it looks like a pretty close fit rotor and stator.. May have to make minor adjustments. NOS clutch basket and NOS main drive gear, which fits snug w/o play on the crank shaft splines.
So now, I have a question of you with experience, which I have not. I can fit all pieces, but when I snug the clutch hub to the shaft, it binds and locks to the basket. Does not spin free. I have looked at manuals, and videos, but cannot see what I am doing wrong. Looks like the tapered shaft stops the bub from going too far back. But again, once lightly tightened my hub and basket become one moving assembly. Hmm. What am I missing here? Appreciate any tips. Best regards, Robin.
So now, I have a question of you with experience, which I have not. I can fit all pieces, but when I snug the clutch hub to the shaft, it binds and locks to the basket. Does not spin free. I have looked at manuals, and videos, but cannot see what I am doing wrong. Looks like the tapered shaft stops the bub from going too far back. But again, once lightly tightened my hub and basket become one moving assembly. Hmm. What am I missing here? Appreciate any tips. Best regards, Robin.