The saga continues. Having not ridden the bike for a week, the batter level was pretty low (apparently the oxford solariser does nothing). I was out checking it to see how low, when the Datatool 3 started off.
I've got some tissue from a friendly biker, and the seat's back on it. But datatool say it'll keep going off until the power is restored.
Now I understand why EVERYONE says they're more hassle than they're worth. Friendly tissue biker said "just get a big f*k off lock and carry that with you"
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The saga continues. Having not ridden the bike for a week, the batter level was pretty low (apparently the oxford solariser does nothing). I was out checking it to see how low, when the Datatool 3 started off.
I've got some tissue from a friendly biker, and the seat's back on it. But datatool say it'll keep going off until the power is restored.
Now I understand why EVERYONE says they're more hassle than they're worth.