Speaking of Tires...

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Well-Known Member
...as I am new to my 2011 T100 after having ridden dual sports for years and becoming familiar with dual sport tires, and this question is premature since my bike is new, but what are the most popular upgrade tires for the T100? Not familiar with street tires.

I tried using the search feature, but failed to find anything, which I am sure is operator error and not b/c there are not discussions on this topic.
I don't think there is a single popular tire upgrade for the T100. Many of the members here use a variety of tires so I doubt that you will get a definite answer.
Tires are like oil, very subjective. Some hate Brand X and love Brand Y - and vice versa.
Unless you're unhappy with the factory tires on your T100, I would go with that brand when they need to be replaced.
A lot has to do with cost and availability too - and how hard you ride and carve corners.
My T100 has Metzler's and I'll probably stay with them.
I'm not sure wot the OEM tires are on the T100, but on my Speedmaster and America I have always stayed with the Mettzlers as fitted new and never had reason to doubt them, and I love riding the twistys.
When I bought my America, the front tyre was a bit low so the (non Triumph ) dealer put an Avon on the front, which hasn't disapointed me yet, but when due, will be replaced by a Mettzler again as the avon isnt available in the correct size. :y16:
I have a T100, and I have Metzeler Tourances fitted. I really like them!
Our roads leave a lot to be desired and have a lot of loose gravel and pot holes! The Tourances cope with anything.
I have much more confidence in the corners with these fitted than I did with the Lasertecs that were fitted originally.
My T100 came with Bridgestone Battleaxe tires. The front tire cupped badly and this seemed to a problem with a lot of Bonneville and T100 riders. I switched to Metzler Lasertecs which were OEM on the later Bonnies and T100's. They did very well for me. I am now trying Avon RoadRiders. I also went to140's on the rear in a slightly higher profile. This has the effect of lowering the RPM at highway speeds. I ran the Avon's in the mountains of North Carolina and they grip well. I am planning on trying Shinko's next to see how they do.
I took your advice and put Avon tires on my 2004 Bonneville. Did put the 140's on the rear, and you are right on about the rpm's; it definitely doesn't seem to rev as high at 70 mph as before.

On another note, I also took your advice and bought the cruise control from New Bonneville. Sure makes that Interstate less of a hassle.

Thanks for your tips.
Ronnie M
You are very welcome, Ronnie. I am glad I could help by passing on my experiencing. So far, I am very happy with the Avons. I think next I will try Shinkos and see how they do.


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