Snowed In, Can't Move Send The National Guard

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That wind you mentioned Hemi is here now and it brought a nasty pile of freezing rain with it. Keep that crap down there will ya?:ice2:
Yes indeed, it was a wild and windy night here on the coast too, but we only got a bit of freezing rain which quickly turned to rain and didn't last.
Should be up around 7C (45F) today :y26: which is nuts for this time of year.
But January is nearly over and that much closer to spring :party1:
As I mentioned, here on the coast all we got was high, gusting winds and lots of rain.
Inland, further north away from the warmer air of the coast, the freezing rain has caused huge power losses. Everything is covered in ice.
It's always better to have a snow storm than to have freezing rain that brings down trees and power lines.
We can deal with the snow, but it takes the professionals to bring back electricity.

Up in our sister province of New Brunswick, just to the north where Qship lives, the damage has been devastating with over 100,000 without power.
The only saving grace I suppose is that it's relatively mild for this time of year.
TV pictures of the linemen trying to do repairs in the wind and icy conditions is nothing short of amazing!
It's guys like that who are the real hero's of this world!
I'd rather snowblow 20-30 cms of snow than try to clean up ANY amount of freezing rain. We have had a lot of it this year.
we did not lose power this time but like Rocky said there are many here that do not have it.
Our friends in our sister province of New Brunswick just to the north of me have been contending with terrible ice conditions and thousands still without electricity for nearly a week.
The army has been called out to help and these pics will give you an idea of what the power crews have to contend with.
Not only have the lines come down, but dozens of poles have snapped off.
Those guys and gals have been working their a$$es off, but it's a huge challenge for them. If the wind comes up more lines come down due to the weight of the ice.
That must be heartbreaking for everyone.

Ice 1.jpg

Ice 2.jpg
Weather like that is always hard, some of those unexpected events always get the elect. and everybody suffers. We hardly ever have something like that but if we do we dont know how to contend with it, i always stay at home, i can't even walk in it much less drive in it.
It's incredible isn't it! We see these pictures on the news every day as this almost impossible task goes on.

There has been a weather announcement about a massive storm that is forming off the coast and will reach its peak in mid Atlantic well away from land, but is expected to weaken as it reaches England and Europe.
Something to watch for over there MOT.
Its an up and down story here in the high lands for the last 3 days its been - 12c but to day is windy and 9c , the weather is just like a yoyo at the minute .
That's the way it usually is here on the coast, but for the past 4-5 weeks we've had absurdly mild temps and rain.
December and January are history so we only have February and maybe a bit of March to contend with as winter and the possibility of heavy snow.
Come on spring :Champ: