Snowed In, Can't Move Send The National Guard

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That is a very unusual tempriture for your neck of the woods Hemi !!
The icey stuff is called frost ! the white stuff is call snow ! and that sensation your feeling is called cold !
you'll be fine just put an extra layer one :D
Wow hemi, that's brutally cold for you! Those are temps we would normally be having way up here in the northeast!
We're going to be going through the winter yo-yo temps that have become common these days.
Gone are the days when winter would set in and be more or less constantly well below freezing in January and February.
It's -14C (-7F) today, and a winter wonderland with all the fresh snow we had yesterday, but it will be above freezing by Wednesday. - probably 2C (36F) - then it will drop again.
It's cccccccccold up here today. -21C last night, with a daytime high of -15C. Back down in deep freeze again tonight(-19C).
Hope it has warmed up for you Southerners.
Supposed to be +5-7C here Wednesday-Friday.
What's with this crazy weather?
To be honest, we usually have a day or two of this weather every three or six years. Today we were back up to 65F/18C.

I've camped and gone for rides around here multiple times when the temps were 18F/-8C to 25F/-3c but they didn't and don't occur every year.
Snow - we can only dream of such things - today minimum of 23 (74) and max 42 C (108 F) and its been like that for the last few days and expected to be the same for a few more. Too hot to ride, too hot to work in the shed on the bikes, the pool is the only place to be during the day.
Mid 40'C (110F) here today - everything is melting, particularly me. Please send snow.
A couple of years ago in February I spent a week in Melbourne and it hit 41C one day.
Amazingly, there was very little humidity so it was bearable - just barely.
It was the most intense heat I had ever experienced. It was like walking around in an oven.