Smith Chronometric Rebuild

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32.jpg33.jpg34.jpg35.jpg36.jpg2mm plastic strip which covers the dust to get inside....this cut in speedo shell provides luminence to the ammeter
That is actually an interesting modification, the original would have been nothing more than a fairly thin sheet of cellophane/plastic, but with the thicker plastic you have used it would be more robust and hopefully less likely to turn yellow, crack and fall out.
37.jpgyes u r right In general the smith shells are like this with a thinner strip but i found a shell in scrap a very unique and much superior one in which the strip was from inside in two cuts and i decide to finish that one and yes you are right about the advantages u mentioned. (above pic belongs to a friend of mine :))
:) the speedo i m working on is sc3304/11 my intentions are to restore it on its original specs. No doubt the two cut shell is a beauty thats is y i m finishing it but there are many chances i ll not use it becoz i dont want to spoil the meter where the rest of it is all up to the mark "genuine" even the pin which holds the trip reset stem. :y6:
I am not sure on the dial you have, that is, whether it should have the "revulator" markings (revs/speeds in gears).
As a 350 it may have had only an 80mph speedo - would have to check this out. My friend that does up speedos for a job would have the specs for the correct dial. I'll see what I can find out if you want.
The twin windows could be correct for this model and even if not, should not be a bother as this is not visible when its in the nacelle and this is how you got the bike.
If you get really stuck on the twin windows I might have a case at home with single window or be able to swap one with my friend.
The speedo i have is certainly a correct one for my bike........checked it 100% but this is also for sure that the speedo shell with two cut is not! which i found later. I also have its original a single window shell with me. the dial u r talking about is for thunderbird later model and those 80mph never came in bathtub series.

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