Sign of the Apocolypse

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I just saw a commercial for the show Honey Boo Boo season premier "Scratch and Sniff" episode.

I know no words to express the level of disgust at American Television I am feeling at the moment.

I am certain this is a sign of the Apocalypse. :y15:
I had no idea what this Honey Boo Boo thing was so I clicked in - after about 30 seconds, my jaw hit the floor! I cannot believe that this has an audience in the US let alone anywhere in the world. What an absolutely disgusting child and even more disgusting family. Trailer trash girls go round the outside,............................
I knew what it was as I've seen the commercials - disgusting as they are and this type of show is - but only for as long as it takes me to click ahead to another channel.
The phrase "television is a vast wasteland" was coined a long time ago and it's certainly true these days.
The absolute junk and trash that's "reality TV" is almost beyond belief!! Who, in their right mind, watches this stuff???
If this trash is popular it certainly doesn't say much about the intelligence level if the viewers.
:sick: this is the closest we have to a VOMIT smilie......and the worst part to me is the absolute GOBS of money these disgusting P.O.S's are raking in.......while totally exploiting there daughter, sickening.
But I guess they are not the first "Hollyweird-os" to leverage financial success off the backs of their childrenSAD
Since this thread was started I happened to be reading a magazine article about the state of TV these days and a US TV critic by the name of Bill Mann said, "These "reality" TV shows are an example of where cable and network TV is headed in their desperate search for ratings - using any gimmick to promote viewership while heading for the bottom of the garbage heap."
My feelings exactly!!
Haven't watched the show and I guess I'm lucky my tablet was taking a looonnnggg time to load that video and I hit the back button before it came up.. I do hate that type of show. I did watch an episode of Duck Dinesty once though..
The reality shows came along because the tv actors guild went on strike against a couple production companies. I forget which they were but to stay in business they produced a couple reality shows that allowed them to pay less than what the guild was demanding and they stayed in the black. Now the biggest problem is we have what we have because those originals made money and as Rocky said the shows are going in the dumper since ratings means money. TV shows are on the Tidy Bowl Express.

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:y2: My oldest son was away at college when he first saw the show. He said at first he thought it was a waste of time. I don't remember if it was during that first show or a second show that it finally hit him. . . He now understood our family. I don't know if he meant that as a compliment or not.

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I try to avoid educational TV on that day of the week..:y15:. Actually thought it was pretty good. I may try to go back at some point and pick it up at the beginning. may just become an "honorary redneck" if you keep on this path.....:y2:
Quick much duct tape do you have in your possession RIGHT NOW!?!?!?