Hmmmm.....i had that owl maybe a year or 2 before my dad died. And my friend had a barn owl baby he found on his porch and handed over to animal control. I can't be sure, as it was many years ago. But it was around the time his brother died. I think very close, tho not sure. On the other hand a hawk crashed into the window at the house where i am a few years ago and the woman i sublet from, her mom was there for a visit and said it means death too. But no one died. Maybe owls are just more accurate than hawks. really bizzare tho. I was washing my car out front and i hear a loud wham. Looked over and 10 feet away below the living room window is a hawk on it's back. There is a window on the other side of that room too, so you can look right thru the house. I imagine the hawk thought he could fly thru there. He was laying there convulsing and i figured he was dying. he laid there for a couple minutes and I was bent over looking at him when he abruptly jumped up and took off ! he flew into the tree right there and sat there with his wind hanging down like it was really hurt. I watched him for about 15 minutes up there and gradually it came back up to the normal position and at that point he took off. Now thats a once in a lifetime experience ! I've seen small birds do that, but a huge hawk ! I was sure relieved he was ok.
There might be something to the owls and deaths, we had a huge Screech Owl (well huge as compared to most Screech Owls) that took up roost in the hickory tree in my front yard. He had been there about a month and one morning at 04:15 as I walked out of the house he let loose with a blood curling screech and I dang near died on the spot. Scared the bejebbers out of me.
Our office building has mirrored glass and we are always having small to medium sized birds hit our windows. About three years ago my shift partner said look at that and pointed to the window beside my work center and as I turned just in time to see a buzzard about two feet from the window and moving at near super sonic speed. Well I still don't know how that ugly bugger didn't wind up in my lap. It seemed to shake the whole building when he hit.
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