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Are those Draggin Jeans brand? I just looked it up and if I did the currency exchange correctly that's over 100 NZ more than we pay for them here.

Yup, thats the brand
Can only buy them here through MC shops or of private importers thru the likes of Trade Me.
Remember though,the cost of freight from the US is horrendous, so this tends to kill a lot of the potential savings.

have a quick looky


retail example
I cannot remember when last I had a pair of either of these makes as I just wear the ones from Woolworth as I have found them to be great quality and they just seem to fit me like they were made just for me

This is what I am paying for my jeans this side from Woolworth

180.00 ZAR = 22.0548 USD
180.00 ZAR = 20.8654 AUD
180.00 ZAR = 14.1006 GBP

And it's not just the price but the quality and overall fit I like over the other well known brands.

The more expensive ones run for this

350.00 ZAR = 42.8843 USD
350.00 ZAR = 40.5717 AUD
350.00 ZAR = 27.4179 GBP
Dave, given that this started with a Levi -v- Wrangler comparison and now includes the chain store brands, how much do you pay for Levis in SA?

We have Levis at,
$40 / $45 US
$95 Aust
close to $200 NZ

These price differences for the same product have me shaking my head. Sure Aust and NZ populations are much lower than the US The fact that Sheplers can't sell Levi outside the US suggests a price fixing deal between Levi and each countries importer. It would be interesting to see if Harry could use an Australian company to send to NZ or if the same protection exists for the NZ importer.
Harry those links from 3 posts back are very old, 2005 and 2006. The last one looks like it's new and has the pair I clicked on at $300 NZ.
Dave, given that this started with a Levi -v- Wrangler comparison and now includes the chain store brands, how much do you pay for Levis in SA?

We have Levis at,
$40 / $45 US
$95 Aust
close to $200 NZ

These price differences for the same product have me shaking my head. Sure Aust and NZ populations are much lower than the US The fact that Sheplers can't sell Levi outside the US suggests a price fixing deal between Levi and each countries importer. It would be interesting to see if Harry could use an Australian company to send to NZ or if the same protection exists for the NZ importer.

Kevin as I have not even looked at them in a store for years I had to go and find a price and this is what I found.

Price Check

Levi's 511 Slim Fit Jeans Dark Vintage Blue
799.00 ZAR = 97.8987 USD
799.00 ZAR = 92.6194 AUD
799.00 ZAR = 119.513 NZD
799.00 ZAR = 62.5871 GBP

Levis 511 Jeans
699.00 ZAR = 85.6460 USD
699.00 ZAR = 81.0275 AUD
699.00 ZAR = 104.555 NZD
699.00 ZAR = 54.7539 GBP

Levis 527 Jeans & Levis 501 Basic Jeans
599.00 ZAR = 73.3934 USD
599.00 ZAR = 69.4355 AUD
599.00 ZAR = 89.5970 NZD
599.00 ZAR = 46.9207 GBP

:y13: I don't think I will be rushing out and buying any soon
Holy Crap. I got a pair of Levis 501 basics (tag still in place) at the local church second hand store for $5.00 u.s. And the standard Wranglers are avail at Wal-Mart for like $25.00.
Maybe I should start a TT "Denim Market" thread??? Send me your sizes and for a "small processing fee" I will get ya some britches & ship em. :y2:
Holy Crap. I got a pair of Levis 501 basics (tag still in place) at the local church second hand store for $5.00 u.s. And the standard Wranglers are avail at Wal-Mart for like $25.00.
Maybe I should start a TT "Denim Market" thread??? Send me your sizes and for a "small processing fee" I will get ya some britches & ship em. :y2:

I was thinking the same thing.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
Very good service, the parcel arrived at exactly midday today (Monday 6th) so that took five and a half days from me ordering online to delivery. Fit for both the boots and jeans is spot on, as far as quality goes Wranglers must be the same the world over though this is the first pair for me, they feel OK on. The boots are actually much better than I expected, I'll have to use them a bit to be sure. If they stand up for a while I'll be delighted as they were only $59.99 US plus freight $21.97 = $76.96, my Australian made pair cost $800.00 so I won't expect that quality but these can be used without concern to preserve for many years.
Yep, Sheplers will be getting more orders from me.:y2:
I am glad to hear that. I really like doing business with Sheplers. I get discount coupons from them in the mail, 20% to 25% off. I buy my Wrangler jeans using those coupons.
That is great service and it seems that the prices are not bad even with the shipping. Do you end up paying import duties as well. I find when I bring stuff in it is 50/50 on the import duties and when I do end up paying then the prices at times equals when I can get it for locally anyway
That is great service and it seems that the prices are not bad even with the shipping. Do you end up paying import duties as well. I find when I bring stuff in it is 50/50 on the import duties and when I do end up paying then the prices at times equals when I can get it for locally anyway

Never considered the possibility of import duty. I think they (Australian) only look at hitting you up for duty if the item is over $1,000. I know people bring parts in always keep under $1K or split parcels to keep each under $1K.
It's been almost a week since my goods from Sheplers arrived and I'm so happy with the service and products I've decided to single handedly save the American economy. :y15: I just placed a second order for another (and a bit more up market) pair of boots, more jeans and my wife added to the order with some women's clothes.
Hey, I'll start working on my western drawl. :y2: