(WARNING: huge Wall of Text to follow. My apologies.)
(Being new, I didn't know if my post should go in this Forum or under Riding Gear & Equipment -- so Mods, if you relocate it, I'll understand!)
I have a ton of questions for you experienced Triumph riders, and Bonnie owners in particular. If you want to chime in on any or all of these questions, I would sure appreciate it.
Let me preface this by saying that I'm trying to keep this from being a take-take-take scenario. But I'm on the far side of 55, I had two very serious health scares last year (everything is fine now!), and I really do feel the pressure to
get this show on the road! I've waited 44 years to learn to ride, and I am totally nuts about it. So rather than my trying to reinvent the wheel (which takes time that I may not have) through trial and error, I am hoping you all might share your experiences and suggestions about gear, mods, etc., if you feel OK doing that.
My goal this year is to get comfortable enough on my just-purchased 2013 Bonnie to do a New Mexico road trip in September 2016. I would rent a Bonnie in Albuquerque and then do about a week's ride in the state. (Or maybe ship my bike out there?)
I'm planning on doing at least 5 trips locally, trying to increase my seat endurance time, and to make sure that I'm somewhat proficient on the bike. I'm a new rider, with 5 months and 2000 miles under my belt.
While it's still cool/winter weather (I live in Northern Virginia), I plan on hitting the parking lot and doing slow speed MSF-type drills. I did/do that on my little Honda bike, doing U-turns, weaves, stops, etc., and that practice has served me well.
Now, on to the gear questions:
(1) Windshield - I think this is pretty important for longer road trips. I don't have one on the Honda, and I feel as though I've been beaten up when I finish 100 miles. Is the short Triumph flyscreen fine or should I look for an after-market off-brand?
(2) Rear luggage rack and sissy bar - Renntec? I have the Triumph wax cotton saddlebags but definitely need more storage for my blow dryer, curling iron, panini maker, and Keurig on those long road trips.

Seriously, I'd like to have a rear storage and maybe a sissy bar to stack some stuff up against. (I'm not going to be riding 2-up at all.) Any suggestions?
(2A) Tank bag --
Amazon has a very affordable one: what do you think about it?
(3) Security - Disc lock? Alarmed cover? Beat-up cover with duct tape on it? Cujo? I'm weak on this area. How do you keep your bike from being stolen when you overnight at a hotel?
(4) What do *you* think is really important for a touring ride? How many miles do you average each day, generally? I'm planning 5 'training' rides before teh New Mexico trip. The rides will be mostly in Virginia, ranging from Colonial Parkway near Willamsburg (about 240 miles round trip), 3 or 4 rides up into the Blue Ridge/Skyline Drive, and a bigger trip of 760 miles round trip (a visit to my sister in Charlotte NC). Of course, I ride locally almost every day when I'm home.
The longest ride I've done so far was 200 miles round trip on the Honda CRF230M, that dual-sports 234cc bike. No windshield, seat like a wood plank, top speed *maybe* 65 mph with the throttle full open. I felt as though I'd done 12 rounds in a boxing ring when I got home that evening! I loved it, but some creature comforts would have helped the ride.
OK, I told you this would be a Wall of Text. Again, any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have very thick skin, so if you see a glaring lapse in logic, let me know, please!