Update on that gear shifter extension peg:
I took the Bonnie out yesterday for our first ride this year, after several months of being slammed with home, health, and work issues. Had a great ride, short, only about 100 miles.
I had forgotten about the extension peg until halfway through the ride when I realized I wasn't missing as many shifts. Previously, I would shift but my boot toe would slide off the peg just a bit. This would result in either an incomplete or sloppy shift. I would also start shifting into neutral instead of gear, too.
The extension peg helped a great deal with that! I am happy with it and think it was worth the money, at least for me.
That reminds me, probably a good idea to go check the torque on it after that ride and make sure everything is still nice and snug.
Thanks for all the suggestions when I was having problems getting the peg off! You guys rock!