Yup just had a couple more good rollys yesterday
First one at 2:30, first reported as a 6.9 and later amended to 6.2 and then back to a 6.6
bluddy thing,I was right in the middle of water changes to my fish tanks at home, next thing there's water sloshing every where.
thank god for wet vacs, cleaned up the urgent stuff at home ,then round to the shop to help clean up there.
Apart from water every where,no damage as such at the shop.
However they have told all the folks working in Wellington city to bugger off home. I sure am glad I wasn't commuting yesterday, the motorways were crammed for hours.
Then followed by about 25 aftershocks we had another 6.0 at about 5.30, however most are less than 4 and I personally hardly feel them.