Sense of humor

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The Menstrual Cycle reference ...

:y24: :y24: That is hilarious!

Are you guys throwing down a gauntlet?? :fight::fight2::shooting:

Who us? Never! BGRIN

what's she doing in the bathroom?????!!!!

Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

:y24: :y24:

I smell trouble.............. :y2:

Serious trouble!

Nice try Gromit. The fact is that she is so confused by attempting to multi-task during a serious p.m.s. episode, that she has thrown her cell phone into the toilet
and is trying to call her therapist on a roll of toilet paper.

Now.... where shall I hide!


You are is big trouble; you are on the same continent with Gromit! BGRIN

no were not throwing down a gauntlet ! we are putting it down in a very clean and tidy manner, as so not to make a mess for you .

and no because i never won an argument with a woman yet ! :y2:
The Menstrual Cycle reference ...

LOL!!!! "47 years ago".

Are you guys throwing down a gauntlet?? :fight::fight2::shooting:

what's she doing in the bathroom?????!!!!

Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

I smell trouble.............. :y2:

Nice try Gromit. The fact is that she is so confused by attempting to multi-task during a serious p.m.s. episode, that she has thrown her cell phone into the toilet
and is trying to call her therapist on a roll of toilet paper.

Now.... where shall I hide!


Carl..... only about 40 miles away.......:y4:

You are a BRAVE man! :y2:

...ten deep at the tip ???????? I don't get it.

All of this is tragically funny, but oh so true. Monday my wife got up early, got in her $60K Cadillac and went out of state to spend teh day with her daughter - I went to work and fixed my own breakfast. lunch and supper and cleaned up after each one. Tuesday, my wife got up early, got in her Caddy and went on a shopping trip out of town with her friends - I went to work and fixed my own meals again and cleaned up again. Wednesday, I went to work and my wife slept in and called me about a half hour before lunch and told me she wanted me to buy her lunch in town, and when I got home that evening she announced we would be eating out for supper (at her favorite place which I hate). Thursday, I went to work and she slept in again but this time she got up in time to fix me a can of soup for lunch, but she is always up on Thursdays as that is the day the cleaining lady come in to do the housework, after lunch she told me she was "too busy" to take the dog to the groomers and that I needed to take him and then pick him up on the way back home from work. When I got home, I found she had told the maid to make me a sandwich for supper and she had gone to a church meeting. I failed to wash and put away the saucer where the maid had left my sandwich, and when my wife found it when she got home, she went ballistic and went on and on about how much she did and how little I did. Wanna trade?
...ten deep at the tip ???????? I don't get it.

All of this is tragically funny, but oh so true. Monday my wife got up early, got in her $60K Cadillac and went out of state to spend teh day with her daughter - I went to work and fixed my own breakfast. lunch and supper and cleaned up after each one. Tuesday, my wife got up early, got in her Caddy and went on a shopping trip out of town with her friends - I went to work and fixed my own meals again and cleaned up again. Wednesday, I went to work and my wife slept in and called me about a half hour before lunch and told me she wanted me to buy her lunch in town, and when I got home that evening she announced we would be eating out for supper (at her favorite place which I hate). Thursday, I went to work and she slept in again but this time she got up in time to fix me a can of soup for lunch, but she is always up on Thursdays as that is the day the cleaining lady come in to do the housework, after lunch she told me she was "too busy" to take the dog to the groomers and that I needed to take him and then pick him up on the way back home from work. When I got home, I found she had told the maid to make me a sandwich for supper and she had gone to a church meeting. I failed to wash and put away the saucer where the maid had left my sandwich, and when my wife found it when she got home, she went ballistic and went on and on about how much she did and how little I did. Wanna trade?

Gary, I'm sure If you search long and hard, you'll find some redeeming quality.
But in the meantime, trade?, no thanks, I know when I'm well off.
First let me start off by saying it wasn't my wife I pissed off. Second I found out what set the rabid woman off. She heard a comment I made about a woman screaming because someone left the seat up on the toilet in a business that only had one toilet for use by the public. My comment was "that was stupid, I always check the seat before I sit on a public toilet. And a woman that doesn't do the same ain't working with a full deck."

Back in high school I worked as a "petroleum exchange engineer" (gas station attendant) and one of duties for closing each night was to clean the restrooms. I have never seen such filth as what I was subjected to each night in the women's restroom, so I stand by my comment on her intelligence.

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Having been responsible for cleaning the public restrooms on the preserve where we used to live, I can attest that the ladies rest room was always far worse than the mens. It really opened Mae Lyne's eyes. She could not believe women could be so nasty.


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