I've had my bike since February and have put just under 600 miles on it thus far. In recent weeks I've had two occasions when the bike would not start. In each case it was after riding, then the bike sitting for about an hour and a half. I put the key in the ignition and get some crazy dashboard behavior followed by it going DEAD. No signs of electrical life whatsoever. The first time it happened, I waited a few minutes and tried again and it fired right up per usual. Today, I had this happen again under similar circumstances. This time, it did not fire up after waiting a few minutes. I took the seat off and checked to make sure all the fuses were fine, which they were. I put the seat back on, key in, and it came back on electrically but did not have enough power to turn over the bike. So I shut it off, waited a few minutes, then tried again and this time it was able to turn over the engine and start. It seems like it might be a low battery but this seems unlikely given the bike is brand new. I do not keep the bike on a trickle charger but perhaps I should start doing that just to make sure the battery is topped off. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem.