By Gerry Frederics
This 120 square-meter workshop was founded in southern Germany by two brothers, Peter (deceased in 1989) and Ralph Kalich, inveterate fans of Side-Car motorcycling since they were in their teens in the early 1970´s. The official founding of the company was in early 1989, but they had custom built and modified Side-Cars already in the early 1980´s.
The love of their Side-Car life is the `Schwenker´ (Leaning) principal according to which a motor cycle can be driven as if it were solo, the side car remaining level, regardless of the angle of the bike itself. This is a principal patented in 1935 by Herr Heinz Koster who was an engineer for the Imperia Motor Cycle and Side-car works in Köln; see the essay on this venerable make.
Herr Kalich with his a dynamic personality does practically everything by himself, design, construction and sales. His favorite bike to mount one of his creations to is the large BMW but he will do any custom job anyone so desires. As is to be expected his workshop is an example of German efficiency and cleanliness reminding on an Operating Room in a major hospital. Kalich refuses to use any accessories of lesser than top quality. All of his creations are officially passed by the extremely stringent German TÜV – one can say without fear of contradiction that the Kalich Side-car, whether a `Schwenker´ or a traditional design is the very best of the very best and that is saying something, for in the 21st.Century custom Side-Car manufacturers are enjoying a real renaissance; it is claimed there are 125 in Germany alone, not to forget some others excellent ones in neighboring European countries.
Kalich has improved the `Schwenker´ princial to such a degree that he is regarded the expert as such by his peers. His latest design, the `Swing´ is not only handsome, but family-friendly, can driven with utter abandon and can de disconnected and re-connected in a few minutes. It is regarded the quintessential top design of its kind world-wide.
He refuses to `buy´ favorable test results via advertising in the official press, consequently one finds mention of him and his little company only amongst the cognoscenti, where he has gained a fabulous reputation for excellence on every level.