Scavenger Hunt

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Well this sounds like a perfect summers day in Britain, and there was me thinking you Southerners were hardy folk.

Well Mad you can see how "hardy" we southerners are come August. 100 degree temps and 98% humidity sitting in City Traffic on your Bike-----to run and get fuel so you can mow the lawn----with a push mower :) That's what separates the men from the boys . lol
All righty........I just bundled up in ALL my winter riding gear. and went and got these.....largest neon I could find.
Skyline of downtown Mobile we have several large buildings (actually the RSA tower is the tallest building in the state) and they all have a lighting system that is linked and changes colors.
During Mardi Gras they change from purple to green and gold at Christmas its red and green and gold and white Fourth of July red white and blue----you get the picture.

So I present "lights"


If this works let me know and I will post up the next "hunt"
Well -----Thank you gang I didn't want to post if my pics didn't fit the bill.

So since the weather has played such a roll (negatively) lately for us two wheeled hooligans I say something WEATHER RELATED......Your bike in the rain, snow, sleet......or perhaps a Weather Station? Or a tv news weather truck or .....or ......whatever.
WIDE open just snag something "weather Related" lets see how creative ya'll are ;)
----HEre is where the fun comes in. I don't often mention the side story -----the second pic posted was actually the first I took....and is taken from the East Side of the Mobile River, in the rather "rough and tumble" docs area. After several passes trying to get a decent view around barges, tankers and giant storage buildings I found (Literally) a break in a chain link fence for a property that was for sale/lease, I am about 300 yards passed the fence and right up and a second gate and you can see the river mid height far right of the pic below the last large spot light.. As I am quickly fumbling for the camera and hoping I don't get mugged by some vagrant living in the abandoned warehouse I realize.........this IS GREAT FUN! I didn't even turn the bike off ....jumped off---snapped pic and took off in a TIGER roar!
I took the first pic after going through the Tunnel (under the River) and that is actually the smaller of the three buildings, I am parked in front of the largest (Illegally on the sidewalk---ssshhhhhhhh) and shot the smaller.
Then I got the heck out of dodge before the Rozzers where on me!!!
A little after dark escapade -----again great fun. This place is a friggin riot-- BUT remember I may need to contact one of you for bail money at some point!
Dear Mr Key's,
It has come to my attention, that you have recently braved frighting odds, in the presence of bounders and other such people, to obtain some rather nice pictures for that world famous internet forum, Triumph Talk.
I am always humbled as to the extent that people on this excellent forum will go too, to obtain that perfect shot, in order that others less fortunate than me, are able to enjoy lots of different places around the world.
The two pictures of your Tiger in the foreground, of those simply wonderful illuminations were most pleasing to one's eye.
You may have seen on the news recently that I managed to have a day offff, and went for a ride up the mail, I always like to don the leathers with the Royal Rocker on my back.
Why you may have even seen it if you've visited London.
I rather like my rocker, it's frightfully original don't you think.

As one can see, Phillip likes to ride too, it's not only horse's he like to ride you know.


I have taken the liberty, of taking a photo of my bike outside one's house, one will have to look closely as the picture is a bit small, I'll have to contact that frightfully nice administrator chap Dave for some picture posting ideas. Why I might even consider him for an honorary knighthood


As a gesture of our Anglo British American relations, would one accept this small gesture of one's gratitude in going that extra mile to obtain those exquisite shots.

If one should come to visit London, one must feel free to pop in the palace for tea and biscuits.
Safe riding Mr Keys
Love Liz
One last thing, as one can see, one has added your name to the approved list of visitors to one's house.
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Hemi, you must believe me if there was anyway that I could do it, you have my word that I would jump at the opportunity, I will not rule it out for the future. and that's a promise. Our bungalow is being extended in 2 weeks time and I'll be parting with up to £30,000 if it weren't for that well, you may well have had a visitor.
Mad, you give me far more credit than I am due, or at least feel is worthy. Truth be told it was a good bit of fun----felt 12 again, sneaking into the drive in movie theater through the hole in the back fence. lol. Real danger woulda been to the derelict if he tried to "nick" the Green Goddess ;)

However it is an honor, and I appreciate very much YOUR appreciation of my endeavors. Thank The Queen as well for me will you, she keeps ignoring my Facebook friends request----weird-----

All in good fun, and I am glad to see this thread moving along again, and gaining new life!

It would truly be AMAZING if any of our Family abroad could attend the TRAMP. I mean Who NEEDs a bigger bungalow really??? Just more space to heat and cool and a higher electric bill lol

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