Scavenger Hunt

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Look at you CAptain HARDCORE! :y2: Ya beat me to it.
All right I am gettin a Hospital TOMORROW!

Seriously good tag Otherwise.

Captain Hardcore said if you have a good "sculpture" tag in mind but were just beaten to the punch, then you must submit the sculpture with the HOSPITAL tag.
I took a shot but sadly deleted of the brass plaque attached behind. SAD
I think it was paid for by the miners union and the women's committee?

I find it very moving to study and think about the symbolism.
I had (now deceased) relatives who had been seriously injured in coal mines back in the bad old days.

A bit late as we're now looking for a HOSPITAL but I found that photo relating to the memorial.

Damn, I went to Wiseman's Ferry this morning - forgot the camera, but got a shot of the statue there and my 1950 Thunderbird on my phone (an old old nokia), but no idea how to get it off, too late now anyway.
Damn, I went to Wiseman's Ferry this morning - forgot the camera, but got a shot of the statue there and my 1950 Thunderbird on my phone (an old old nokia), but no idea how to get it off, too late now anyway.

Mate it's about getting out for a ride and sharing photos ... so get that photo off the phone and onto this thread.
The only thing is you don't get to nominate the next tag ... because this time I was the quickest.:y2:
Here ya go Cpt. Hardcore. Bronze Bunny sculpture visible just above the cockpit of the Green Goddess and both in front of USA Womens And Childrens Hospital. :y15: The whole hospital grounds is covered with child "themed" sculptures.
Let me know if this will fly and I will conjure up another tag.
I was thinking on keeping in the same medical "vein" I was going to suggest a Chiropractic office .....BUT......... it has to be one with a "catchy" name like "Back on Track" Chiropractic or "Good Vertibrations" something that lets you know the guy has a sense of humor. :y2: However I thought that might be a little restricting. So how about any funny name professional sign/building.
Like Dr. Slaughter (the veterinarian)
Or Dr. Payne (dentist)
Those 2 are ACTUAL doctors here in Mobile.
Or Mayor Outlaw (seriously used to be Mobiles Mayor) know, the ones that you see and go "really?!?!?!" So this one is a bit vague and should be a bunch 'o fun.
Go snag a Tag ya'll
Or the Houston Proctologist . . . Dr. Butts. :y2: Now I've got to see if there is a sign somewhere for his practice but (no pun intended) they changed the name of the specialty to . . . Colorectal Surgeon.
Nice shot Adrian.
Ya didn't hang about this time, I'd think another hour or two and Harry would have knocked it off.

OK, a "funny name professional sign/building" it is.
I've got nothing just now but thinking thinking thinking.
I am certain you can come up with something Kevin, don't make me lose faith in Cpt. Hardcore.:y2: You need a cape, and a "dodgy" young sidekick.
(look I am trying to help you out so folks forget all that wanker bit Sharon was on about):y15:
hey,well done Kevin and Adrian
Sorry I've been a bit behind on the follow ups,the speed here is rubbish at the moment.
Kev,not hardcore,but dedicated.Great to see.I went and collected a tag from wellington a coupla years back and it turned to heavy rain and 30 knots of wind halfway in, I was in fact soaked through to the skin.
It wrecked my wallet,killed my phone and my jacket still has rot in the lining.
And the name of the tag? The mermaid Bar.

- - - Updated - - -

hey,well done Kevin and Adrian
Sorry I've been a bit behind on the follow ups,the speed here is rubbish at the moment.
Kev,not hardcore,but dedicated.Great to see.I went and collected a tag from wellington a coupla years back and it turned to heavy rain and 30 knots of wind halfway in, I was in fact soaked through to the skin.
It wrecked my wallet,killed my phone and my jacket still has rot in the lining.
And the name of the tag? The mermaid Bar.

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