Report on my bugs, er I mean spiders.

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You asked if their "hair" is soft to the touch?

Well, it's not too recommended to "pet" Tarantulas and find out......some species can "launch" the hairs on their abdomens which can be extremely irritating if they get embedded in your skin and extremely dangerous if they get you in the eyes.

Many T-Keepers handle their Ts if they are the more docile type. Personally, I never do because they don't really like it. I feel that's more for your enjoyment and not considering that Ts are reclusive animals that just want left alone.
I don't think I'd ever be up to actually touching one of these creatures but I like the way you respect that are reclusive and it's more for us humans than the spiders to handle them.

I'm quite amazed at the colours though - really quite beautiful.

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