Putting on high handle bars

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Thanks for the Shop manual info Snake. I'll have to look into picking one up as the Warranty runs out in October. I too took a long break from the world and went on a long vacation. Back now and bored at work so I'll be around a bit more.
Thanks for the Shop manual info Snake. I'll have to look into picking one up as the Warranty runs out in October. I too took a long break from the world and went on a long vacation. Back now and bored at work so I'll be around a bit more.
Make sure that you pick up the Triumph shop parts manual also. It really comes in handy too and it runs around the same price also. Taks care.
I've always been a firm believer in the factory shop manuales, over aftermarket manuales. Because, I feel that the aftermarkets leave, out a lot of important stuff. Like shim spacings specs, and specific torque settings, on certain things. That the shop manual will have in them. Just IMO. Every motorcycle, that I've ever owned. I've had a copy of the shop manual. Some of those manuals were really hard to come by also, especially the really old ones. But back then, I used to make as many swap meets, as I possible could. The trick to those are, is to get there early in the morning. Before they let the vinders in and ask the vinders if they have what you need. Then you can get an even better price on what you want, if you play your cards right. Plus, you stand a better chance of getting what you want, before someone else gets it also.
I just bought that Dealer Tool for 95.00 bucks. Now I don't have to go to the dealerships anymore, to have them turn off that oil wrench lite, when if it pops on and I can reset it myself now. I can also run my own diagnostics now also. Plus, I can fix any problems myself. So, the dealerships can't rip me off, for anymore money.