So are the cops stopping ALL traffic, or only motorcycles?
Either way, unless they are looking for a bank robber or escapee from prison, this would be illegal in Pennsylvania.
It's called a checkpoint
they can have them to check for licence, rego, warrant of fitness and drink driving.
I believe this one was to promote safe riding habits for motorcyclists, and to offset any inconvenience they had bbqd bacon and suasage sandwiches for the punters.
Generally, the only moaners are those who get caught out, most tolerate it in the interests of keeping unsafe vehicles and richard heads off the road.
The problem with doing that here would be a little slip of paper we call the Constitution. Unlawful search and seizure is covered by The Bill of Rights.
When they have these stops this side the amount of wanted criminals they apprehend is worth being stopped. They also end up arresting numbers of people that are breaking they law and are maybe not wanted at the time. They aso net huge shipments of drugs at any one time.
So wheres the bacon and sausage sizzle.?
Looks like miss orange jacket got there first.