Police and Ridesafe Stop

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They liked the bikes I'm sure :y2:


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So are the cops stopping ALL traffic, or only motorcycles?

Either way, unless they are looking for a bank robber or escapee from prison, this would be illegal in Pennsylvania.

It's called a checkpoint
they can have them to check for licence, rego, warrant of fitness and drink driving.
I believe this one was to promote safe riding habits for motorcyclists, and to offset any inconvenience they had bbqd bacon and suasage sandwiches for the punters.
Generally, the only moaners are those who get caught out, most tolerate it in the interests of keeping unsafe vehicles and richard heads off the road.
It's called a checkpoint
they can have them to check for licence, rego, warrant of fitness and drink driving.
I believe this one was to promote safe riding habits for motorcyclists, and to offset any inconvenience they had bbqd bacon and suasage sandwiches for the punters.
Generally, the only moaners are those who get caught out, most tolerate it in the interests of keeping unsafe vehicles and richard heads off the road.

We have them this side as well but no free food only if you taken away and put in jail BGRIN
Illegal in Texas too but we do have the BATvan on the roads for most holidays.

Blood Alcohol Test van, DA & judge on duty for blood warrant of any and all suspected drivers/passengers or boaters suspected of being impaired during "No Refusal" times. As of Wednesday we went into "No Refusal" until after the first of the year. The van will be real busy on New Years Eve.
From to time they also do the "stop every motorcycle and check for every possible offence" on out roads.
I say good on them, the biggest number of defects that they issue on these outings is for noise and mufflers that aren't stamped and approved. You guess what brand of bike gets hit the hardest. :y2: I've never actually been pulled up in one of these opperations because I usually ride weekdays and they operate weekends for obvious reasons.
That's detaining you and searching your vehicle without any probable cause.

Here, a cop has to have an actual reason to detain you and state what it is. They can't search your vehicle unless they see something obviously illegal. Even then you can refuse, but they'll hold you there until they bring the dogs to sniff around.

We don't have such a thing as "approved" mufflers. My State does require a yearly inspection for safety items such as tires, brakes, lights, etc. and that inspection sticker has to on the front left fork so a cop can see it by driving by you.
We (well most of us) don't care if we are stopped and searched etc. Civil rights are over rated if (as we do) you have an honest and efficient police service. Notice I said "service" and not "force". I think from what I read and see on TV etc I'd rather live in a gunless lay back society than one where people are taking an adversarial approach. Lets support out police and let them get those noisy unnamed bikes of the road.
When they have these stops this side the amount of wanted criminals they apprehend is worth being stopped. They also end up arresting numbers of people that are breaking they law and are maybe not wanted at the time. They aso net huge shipments of drugs at any one time.
The problem with doing that here would be a little slip of paper we call the Constitution. Unlawful search and seizure is covered by The Bill of Rights.

Sounds like it's time for a new constitution, or better still just do away with it and obey the laws as they from time to time are revised. We don't have a constitution but something that works for us called the Westminster system. The parliament make the laws, the police enforce them and the lawbreakers are dealt with by the judicial system. When you have a paper that stops police from doing their job efficiently it's time to throw the paper away.
When they have these stops this side the amount of wanted criminals they apprehend is worth being stopped. They also end up arresting numbers of people that are breaking they law and are maybe not wanted at the time. They aso net huge shipments of drugs at any one time.

We get the same result, but by the sound of your post not in such great numbers.
So wheres the bacon and sausage sizzle.?
Looks like miss orange jacket got there first.

They did run out of the bags of chocolates mmmmmmmmmm. One strange thing after thinking about this today, since I would of considered I fitted the so called target motorcyclist on a new bike and over 40 returning to riding they didn't even say anything they just checked my licence threw a bag of goodies at me. She did tell me to take care as I had a black jacket on and it would be hard for me to be seen, which I responded that the car drivers don't see us as they are not looking for us. A headlight blazing and a hiviz wont stop them from knocking us off untill they actually start looking for motorcyclists as well.
If they cant see a headlight pointing straight at em, they sure as hell aint gonna see a bright jacket.
Apart from which, I gotta wear one at work, I sure as hell arn't wearing one in my leisure activitys
So if you are completely innocent and riding a legal bike and they stop and detain you for no reason at all......you'd be OK with missing that important meeting at work you were supposed to be at? What if you were on your way to catch a plane at the airport and they caused you to miss it?

Nope, I'll keep our Bill of Rights......cops shouldn't have the right to simply detain and search you because they feel that today is a good day to do it.
AJ I suppose its what you are used to. For me they can stop me as much as the want as every time they do these checks they take a good number of criminals off the street and that works for me

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