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What Does Scam Mean or What is Scamming?

A scam is a rip-off, or a fraudulent scheme performed by a dishonest or deceitful individual, group, or company, in an attempt obtain money or something else of value. Or, basically it means to trick or deceive someone to get something desirable. Someone who does scamming or carries out a scam, is called a scammer or fraudster.

Do Not Install AdvancePCTools, AdvPCTools or Advance System Care - it Contains Adwares and Other Malware

The website or, which claims its program, called AdvPCTools or Advance System Care, will clean, optimize and speed up your PC, contains Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs). Potentially Unwanted Programs are applications that contain adwares, toolbars or web browser hijackers and other malware. These programs tend to be difficult to remove after they have been installed on your computer. And, will continuously display annoying unwanted pop-up advertisements, and take you to phishing or malicious websites that will steal your personal or financial information, or infect your computer with viruses, spyware, ransomware and other malware.

Beware of AOL "Incoming Mails On Hold" or "You have Reached the Storage Limit of Your Mailbox" Phishing Scams

AOL users, if you have received email messages like the one below, claiming that your AOL email accounts have reached their storage limit which caused your incoming mails to be put on hold, please delete them. Also, AOL users should not follow the instructions in the same email messages, which ask them to click on a link to update or verify their accounts in order to start receiving emails. This is because the email messages are phishing scams being sent by cybercriminal to steal their potential victims’ email account credentials by taking to them to phishing websites. And, once cybercriminals have stolen their victims’ email account credentials, they will gain access to their accounts, hijack and use them fraudulently.

Beware of Tai Lopez Scam - He is Making Millions Selling People Worthless Advice

Tai Lopez is a complete and total fraud taking advantage or hustling online users who are desperately searching for ways to make money online. Tai Lopez is using get-rich-quick schemes or marketing scams that are popular on the internet to trick online users into buying his books or videos.

Beware of Canada Revenue Agency(CRA) Scammers Posing as Employees

Taxpayers should be vigilant when they receive, either by telephone, mail, text message or email, a fraudulent communication that claims to be from the Canada Revenue Agency(CRA) requesting personal information such as a social insurance number, credit card number, bank account number, or passport number. Taxpayers should also be aware of fraudulent Canada Revenue Agency(CRA) websites like, and email addresses like [email protected].

That Revenue Canada scam has caught a few who were taken for large amounts of money.
I have caller ID and unless I see a name I know or a number I recognize I don't bother to answer.
Those telemarketers and scammers can stick their heads where the sun don't shine BGRIN
If it's a friend they will leave a message.

I just received an email saying that I need to log on to the cloud and make changes.
Yes...of course....I'll do that right away.....right after the twelfth of never BGRIN
Beware of "Get Help Worldwide" located at "" - it is a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme

Get Help Worldwide, located at, which the owners claim is the #1 World's Mutual Financial Aid Community, is a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme. Online users are advised not to register with the website or become a member. And, those who are already members are asked to stop making payments to the website.

Beware of "Facebook Account Limitation" Phishing Scam

Facebook users who have received the email message below with the subject: "Facebook Account Limitation," should delete it. This is because the email message, which claims that the recipients' Facebook account details are not up to date, and this will cause their activities to be limited and their account temporarily suspended, is a phishing scam being sent by cyber-criminals. The phishing scam or fake email message is being used by cybercriminals to steal Facebook users' account credential, by tricking them into visiting a fake Facebook website and asking them to sign-in.

Beware of "The Weekly Deal" Facebook Page - it is a Scam

The Facebook page that calls itself "The Weekly Deal" (see below), which claims that Facebook users can like their page or comment the word "Win" to get updates on weekly deals, free stuffs and more, is a like-farming scam. The scam gathers up thousands of likes, comments or shares to promote unwanted products or trick Facebook users into disclosing their personal information on fraudulent survey websites. And, the prizes offered do not exist and those who participate have no chance whatsoever of winning anything at all.

10 Biggest Cyber Crimes and Data Breaches Till Date

Cyber criminals are becoming more sophisticated at picking our virtual pockets. And most of us remain woefully unprepared. Below are the 10 biggest cyber crimes and data breaches, which include governments, Yahoo, Google and others.

Beware of CashKay located at - it is a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme

CashKay, located at, which the owners claim is a peer-to-peer financial donation platform for members to help other members in a systematic way to achieve their dreams without pressure, is a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme. Online users are advised not to register with the website or become a member. And, those who are already members are asked to stop making payments to the website.

Scam - is a Fraudulent Website

The website:, which goes by the name "Outlet Shop", is fraudulent online website claiming to sell watches, sunglasses, handbags, clothing, shoes and other accessories. Online users are advised to stay away from the fraudulent website, and those who have shopped from it, run the risk of their personal, credit card and other payment processing information getting stolen by cyber-criminals and used fraudulently. They also run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods, or poor quality goods that look nothing like what were advertised. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing from the website:

Warning - Reimage or ReimagePlus located at "" Contains Unwanted Programs

Reimage or ReimagePlus is bundled with Potentially Unwanted Programs(PUPs). Potentially Unwanted Programs are applications like adwares, toolbars or web browser hijackers. These programs tend to be difficult to remove after they have been installed on your computer. Please see instructions below for removing the Potentially Unwanted Programs installed by Reimage or ReimagePlus.

Beware of Canton Fair in China Fraudulent Emails

Online users who have received email messages regarding the Canton Fair in China, like the one below, are asked not to respond to them. This is because the email messages are scam, sent by scammers to trick potential victims into sending them money and personal information.

Beware of "Lotto Draw from NOC LiBya" National Oil Company Lottery Scam

Online users who have received email messages like the one below, which claim that they are winners in the "Lotto Draw from NOC LiBya," should delete the email messages, and should not follow the instructions in them. The fake email messages are being sent by lottery scammers who are attempting to trick potential victims into sending them money or personal information, by claiming they are winners in the National Oil Company (NOC) lottery.

Beware of BMW Lottery Scams - Do Not Be Fooled by Scammers

Online users who have received emails claiming to be from BMW's Lottery Department, stating that they have won a prize, should delete the email messages and should not respond to them because they are fraudulent. Please be informed that BMW does not have a lottery department, nor do any of its affiliate companies. BMW does not send or confirm personal information by email, including but not limited to: your name, address, passwords or financial information. If you receive an email from someone purporting to be BMW, or a division of BMW, such as the Security Department or Lottery Department, asking for this type of information, DO NOT RESPOND TO IT.

The "Pictures of Donald Trump Suffering from a Stroke Virus" is a Hoax or Fake-News

The "Pictures of Donald Trump Suffering from a Stroke Virus" post or message below is another reason why the saying: "do not believe everything you read online or on the internet," should be taken seriously. The message, which is spreading like wildfire on social media websites like Facebook and WhatsApp, is clearly a hoax or fake-news. We are unable to find anything about such virus, and the major antivirus companies have not reported finding such a so-called virus, and even the reputable news media houses have not reported anything on such virus.

Beware of "Russia FIFA Word Cup 2008" Lottory Scam

Online users who have received email messages like the one below, which claim that they are winners in the "Russia FIFA Word Cup 2008 Lotto," should delete the email messages, and should not follow the instructions in them. The fake email messages are being sent by lottery scammers who are attempting to trick potential victims into sending them money or personal information, by claiming they are winners in the "Russia FIFA Word Cup 2008" lottery. But, there is no such lottery.

Beware of "" - It is a Fake Work-From-Home Website

The website: "," which claims members can start their online job and earn guaranteed up to $2500 weekly, is another fake work-from-home website. The website "" is similar to "", "", and other fake work-from-home websites created by cybercriminals. So, do not register with websites like "," because you will only help make the scammers behind the websites rich. And, it doesn't matter how much work you do on the website and how many surveys you complete, you will never get paid. The scammers on the other hand, will take all the money earned by their victims who have done all the work.

Beware of - it is a Fake Investment Bank of Ireland Website

Online users, the website "" is a fake, created by cybercriminals to trick Bank of Ireland customers into visiting it. Once visitors to the website attempt to sign-in, their account credentials (usernames and passwords) will be sent to the cybercriminals behind it. Once the cybercriminals have received their potential victims' account credentials, they will use it to gain access to their accounts and use the same accounts fraudulently.
