Beware of Scam Calls From 202-888-5879, 202-644-9774 and 202-122-5964
Scammers are using the following Washington D.C numbers: 202-888-5879, 202-644-9774 and 202-122-5964, to contact potential victims. Recipients of telephone calls from any of the same telephone numbers, where the callers request money, personal or financial information, should terminate the calls, and should not follow the callers’ instructions.
Scammers are using the following Washington D.C numbers: 202-888-5879, 202-644-9774 and 202-122-5964, to contact potential victims. Recipients of telephone calls from any of the same telephone numbers, where the callers request money, personal or financial information, should terminate the calls, and should not follow the callers’ instructions.