Oh Please...................................

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Can somebody please essplain to me WHY these "biker build off" shows have to build un-reliable, un-rideable " works of art".............not a freakin bike? I would so LOVE to see one of them take a stock bike and make it BETTER instead of a useless pile of FANCY crap..........
Oh and Happy Friday/Saturday depending on locale. :-)
It seems the trend to do this as the customer base for these bikes seems to be those that have never owned a bike before and it will be purchased just for that a show piece. So what build off are you talking about here as

It's all about being bizarre and far out and really nothing to do about a real motorcycle.
Make it as weird, freaky and odd as possible and people will love it.........of course we will :sick:
Last June when a group of us were down in New York state we went to OCC in Newburgh and saw many of the bikes they built on TV up close.
The imagination, paint and workmanship was really very nice, but the bikes were just ornaments and all but useless.
I like fancy paint and shinny chrome, and I actually enjoy some of those shows but as useful riding machines most are useless. Some of them only have enough fuel on board to start the dang things. I also like to make fun of them when they use CNC equipment, or any machining equipment for that matter, with no idea of the proper way to do it. :y2:
Just another (un)reality show, when you come right down to it.......................definitely not geared to riders, as such, but to the audience.
"Of course, that's just my opinion...........I could be wrong!" (Dennis Miller): Jim

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