well, 900 miles on the explorer now, the bike is comfortable and has enough power for the quick overtake and when riding solo and no luggage, I'm getting confidence in the front end to enjoy some fast sweeping through bends, but on monday we went out fully loaded to test for our Europe tour, and a couple of tight bends with steep uphill climbs out of them caused some concern, not in the bend but with the front end going very light accelarating out up the hill, I was overtaking traffic so was using the power, but some weight distribution on luggage is required for the Alps. other than that the bike is great, averaging 46mpg. just about got the screen sorted now to minimise wind buffetting and /or wind noise, it's the touring one. Still getting to grips with the width of the bike for filtering through traffic, some 7" wider than the Busa. the wide high bars do give a greater control for slow manouvers and a great view of the road and traffic ahead, so not all is bad, and given time will prove to be afar better bike form riding through traffic.