@devo Thanks for the photos, they really show what view Mal will have. I knew it wold be a great view but seeing your photos really highlights their view.
Now you can get rid of that overkill safety rail so you can get to your window openings.
Once the windows are in,can you start gibbing or are you waiting for moisture content to come down further.
Still have a lot to do inside before gib. Weather boards to do on the outside to. At least we have shelter for when the weather turns. It might rain 1day
Building a house is a great feeling, but not something I want to do for myself. I've built several houses and sometimes wish I was still doing it for a career, sometimes. I would drive myself crazy trying to do it for myself. My hats off to those that can actually build their own home, whether they are just working as the contractor or actually doing the hands on construction.
Like hemibee i have built a lot over the years, and always promised Jann i would build another one for her one day. It will be just as rewarding to fulfill that promise.
Excelent choice of boards Mal,I like the narrow boards,they certainly suit the house.
Your bike aint gunna be happy when you put it back in the garage eh.
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