Theres a lady that i've known for about 15 years now, tho only online. We just kinda hit it off just as friends and she lives far away. I know what you're thinking, but it's nothing like or about that. We are just friends. She's gone thru some tough times lately and i always try and help her out. Anyways, her parents are quite old and having some serious health issues. Her mom has alzheimers and the father is mid 90's and in the hospital as we speak in very bad health. She's going to be thier only family for the most part, and the one who will bear the financial burden and all other burdens if and when it happens. She's not well off finacially and just gets by.
Anyways, long story short, she sent me a Xmas card with $500 in it for being so supportive, but i emailed her to tell her how i appriciate being so appriciated. But i told her i must send it back to her. I told her it makes no sense for me to frivolously spend $500 of money she will no doubt desperately need before long. The thing is, i really DON'T want it. If it were money i found on the street that would be different. But i cannot possibly use it on myself and feel good about it. In fact, it's eating me up because she refuses to take it back. She tells me she will resend it as many times as i send it back to her and even said she would terminate our friendship.
So heres what i'm asking....can anyone think of a way i can get it back in her wallet without her sending it back? Any ideas at all. I absolutely cannot keep it no matter what she says, but she's extremely upset that i won't keep it. I don't know what to do and it's really ruining my day, not to mention i'm taking 2 weeks off for Xmas and this is going to ruin it for me. I also got some bad personal news today thats adding to it and making me ill just thinking about it. I can't for the life of me figure out what to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Anyways, long story short, she sent me a Xmas card with $500 in it for being so supportive, but i emailed her to tell her how i appriciate being so appriciated. But i told her i must send it back to her. I told her it makes no sense for me to frivolously spend $500 of money she will no doubt desperately need before long. The thing is, i really DON'T want it. If it were money i found on the street that would be different. But i cannot possibly use it on myself and feel good about it. In fact, it's eating me up because she refuses to take it back. She tells me she will resend it as many times as i send it back to her and even said she would terminate our friendship.
So heres what i'm asking....can anyone think of a way i can get it back in her wallet without her sending it back? Any ideas at all. I absolutely cannot keep it no matter what she says, but she's extremely upset that i won't keep it. I don't know what to do and it's really ruining my day, not to mention i'm taking 2 weeks off for Xmas and this is going to ruin it for me. I also got some bad personal news today thats adding to it and making me ill just thinking about it. I can't for the life of me figure out what to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.