Well, it worked out and i'm 3/4 of the way moved into the new place. But i've decided that since my TV is old and will need a digi box in february when the airwaves become digi, i may as well get a LCD now and save myself from moving that huge tube beast. Heres the problem....i have to do it this week, and i will be far too busy to research them. So i need help such as what pitfalls to look for, what brands are best bang/buck, what i MUST be sure it has, etc etc. What little i know of from PC LCD's of which i'ev had a few. Samsungs for the most part. But i'd prefer more bang/buck because they are fairly expensive. My tube TV is a toshiba as was the one before that one. They were the best TV's i ever had in every area, so i am drawn to Tosiba LCD's. Are they good, and what do you think of this one?....
The price is quite good compared to others except the no-name stuff. And by the way, i am looking for a 26". I'd actually be ok with a 22" like my PC is i'm sure, but what the heck....i'll play it safe. Anything you can tell me that would help, i'm all ears.
The price is quite good compared to others except the no-name stuff. And by the way, i am looking for a 26". I'd actually be ok with a 22" like my PC is i'm sure, but what the heck....i'll play it safe. Anything you can tell me that would help, i'm all ears.