My 96 Steamer wont start now???

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ohm'd the ignition sensor, 530 exactly (short leads reads 4 ohms, test sensor reads 534) checked side stand switch, will not turn over when stand is down...

Ugh... Never have I been so confused by a bike... there's something tiny somewhere causing this... there is a loose wire that has juice on it coming from a the connector on the fuse box, its black and has juice when the key is on, its currently not hooked to anything... dont remember there being a free wire on disassembly... can anyone id this wire? its in with another wire on the main harness I'll get a pic asap.
The tiger had a relay that cuts signal to starter switch from what i can tell from the wiring diagram. I'll try to do a full bypass on the switch tomorrow to see if by chance it is somewhere in that loop.
Went down, broke out the meter and went over all connections I could get to... Everything seems to be getting power as it should be. The coils have good voltage in from the start/stop switch, and I cant get a read from the ground side of any of them. Each one feeds from a different wire coming from the ecm/cdi/igniter, and I dont know if I should be able to get a reading without it being during an ignition pulse, but I thought I'd throw that out there.

Is there a resource available with a model/year correct wiring diagram, I dont thein the book I have (came with it) is the proper one, several wires in the harness dont match color code on the diagram...
There have been posts about Tiger manuals to download here on TT. I would imagine there are wiring diagrams in there.

I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but since I never owner one, I just saw the post titles and didn't read them.

How 'bout a Tiger guy jumping in here on that subject?

Posted with TapaTalk
I ordered an ECU to get rid of that possibility, heres pictures of the wire coming out of the harness @ fuse box I cant remember where it connected?

Its either Black or Slate (by wiring color codes listed in the back of my manual (my manual doesn't match on a lot of wire colors so I think the manual isn't for a 96)
Well, I broke down outta a "why not try it anyway" frame of mind, and bypassed the kickstand relay and the spark was back... So, Got her fired up and running and running pretty decent, but after returning from the ride and parking her overnight, went down to find a puddle of gas under her :(. Searching I find its running out of the airbox at carb on cylinder 1.

I'm thinking its a float issue, I did leave the gas on and with the weight of a full tank (held 7 US gallons) pushing down in the fuel line, I figure a float thats not seating well may cause this to happen. This sound right to you guys?

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